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| 14 mm or 17 mm ... this is now the "Must Have" question!
Question of B.DeKid: Oktober 2009
Now I do that once synonymous and frag times the community.
So I just put together my wish list, so Santa has something to contribute synonymous. ;-)
To make it short
Canon: 7D + HF100s Redrock Mini (various Mounts and Rails More) Redrock DSLR Bundel Raynox WW Small items such as filters, extra Batteries and Memory Cards Cases
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Canon EF 100-400/4 ,5-5, 6 L IS USM
So now the point of my question:
Canon TS-E 17 / 4.0 L
or just but the
Canon EF 14 / 2.8 L II USM
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So the 100 - 400 yes, I must say nothing - I still have no home, and 400 mm with the aperture even when using the 2 converter (which I'm already home) Since this is precisely s.Crop camera determines a successful addition to my collection .
BUT .... So the 17 mm Tilt 'n Shift that irritates me stop - on the one hand that I can use it with Crop for film and photos and just at the EOS1 (V) and HAMMER Optics ;-) The Aperture is synonymous irrelevant because in Landscape Architecture There really is enough light.
The 14 mm, however, is of course in terms of really great film - that s.der Crop Camera. Since there will probably still nen tick more than my Canon XL WW 's. Only then it s.der middle of next year will be targeted ala FF Camera EOS 1Ds MarkIV but a bit too extreme in order to shoot or to shoot even.
Ok it is nice and straight Lichtstark drausen in nature should be there horny twilight sessions possible ... 14 mm, but there is already fierce.
Who wants to give me time because now when deciding his idea ?
But I say directly that the shift Tilt `s really the first choice in my eyes .... but perhaps even a still an argument which has not yet occurred to me. ;-) ---------------------------------
MfG B. DeKid
PS: 50% I'll buy on credit and pay off at 5-8 months, the remaining cash to buy directly - by then a FF 1Ds Mark IV to do so. This combination makes sense in my eyes s.meisten fr the nchsten 8 months..
What I did with the new toys "
Short product clips - Product Information Landscape animal footage (film / video)
Staged and documentary work or image or Story Telling time is now outside before leaving.
I will stop only the requests of the customers I meet in the synonymous you can deliver HD video. From the 1.6 crop to 18 MP I'll get those out almost 645 medium format quality Goats - that extends to what clever synonymous with FF coming to market. .............................. What I already did and no longer need - far too much ;-)
Bzgl other lenses I've got everything else s.Festbrennweiten under 2 Aperture, what he should have between 28 and 100 mm - furthermore, of course, some AF lenses of 19 - 300 mm all the way up his Aperture 5.6
Tripods and heads, I'm more so synonymous s.Start synonymous unimportant. Light I've had enough of synonymous Multiblitz and available at hardware stores or Stage Lights with everything that goes s.Softboxen and films.
I have several sound Sennheisser HHB Microphones and PortaDAT and PortaDisc rack and PC Sound Devices
My PC will deal with any material commonly used software licenses I can synonymous possession.
Doly's crane and SteadyCam as recording desks and big Greenbox stuff so I do not need more synonymous.
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Reply joe11:
It must necessarily be a fixed focal length? 14mm and 17mm are almost certainly more moderate wide-angle (22mm/27mm equivalent) if the multiplication factor has struck.
The Tokina 11-16mm/2.8 is as bright and has a beautiful focus ring. He has long Einstellwege and an end stop, ie, you can even adjust the sharpness by feel.
Reply B.DeKid:
So yes, I would find Fstbrennweite better - in the case now.
Although Zoom has its advantages but at the moment in which the field is not necessary I think.
MfG B. DeKid
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