I wanted to grow the Panasonic nv gs 280th The cam has a 16:9 display, however, and I'll (still) on mainly in the 4:3 format. Can anyone tell me the 280s of features is useful if the zuzulegen cam then?
thx schonma
Antwort von jens:
Without knowing the cam to, I'm assuming that it has no (s) 16:9 CCD (s). So I would just think that you can add quite meaningfully in 4:3.
Schöne Grüße, Jens
Antwort von Acer:
You can use either format. 4:3 makes more sense because you have the 16:9 mode, left / right, no more image information than in the 4:3-mode instead, and up / down was eliminated. You can record in 4:3-mode - despite a 16:9 LCD;.)
* edit *
You'll just see on the LCD left / right, two black bars, so the aspect ratio is right again
Antwort von prem:
Today was the Saturn, and never imagined the Cam times. The Cam s.sich has convinced me but the picture on the display is already sorely small when transferring to 4:3. 'm Still thinking, but still think I will opt for the 280th
Antwort von Acer:
The 16:9 mode even has more picture information, therefore, of ... I only movies in 16:9, maybe is because my cam has a lousy 4:3;.)