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| Accessories Basics
Question of Raffael: Juli 2009
I would soon buy a new camera. This time I want to buy synonymous accessories that I have never done before.
I know me not at all. What is there at all for accessories? (; Microphone, Lens ...)
In what the different categories (, stereo microphone, directional microphone)
Thanks in advance!
Reply Jogi13:
God bless
I want to buy me a sandwich, how can I prove it? Frischwurst? Smoked sausage? Slice of cheese? Smear cheese? Or it is synonymous caviar, wild salmon.
Do you understand?
The question is: What kind of camera do you want to buy you? What is your budget? What did you do it before then? MFG
Reply Raffael:
I thought once I buy an HD camera.
I usually turn short films with dialogues that include synonymous hectic scenes.
on the budget I could not make as many ideas as I do not even know much about me as I say, not synonymous with prices And.
Reply robbie:
Then tell me one time price.
Is 10000 much for you? Is 1000 much for you?
Reply Raffael:
With the camera, it should not cost more than 2000 I actually possible to buy cheap accessories for the first time since I'm
But what's really the objective for such wide Anglekomprimierer or microphones?
Reply Piers:
Nothing personal against you, raffael, but the link I've always wanted to bring in views:
Your incoming mail suggests that you are not at all versed in this matter. There is nothing wrong. Everyone started off small at. But in the Internet age, it is easy to get their hands s.Infos if you:
1.google uses 2.This Forum search 3.sich take the time to work through the links found
This has several advantages. You get an insight into the matter, understand differences and learn basic concepts. For all this you will need if you really want to do in video more than just shoot your cat. Here in the forum you will get help determine if you have specific questions. "I have embarked on two cameras. Who here in the forum knows and can tell me that for my purposes, which is" better "."
But a general question, how in your incoming mail, you here to answer None. Unless he takes 5h hours and write a complete treatise on "production equipment, rotating, post-production"
In Netzt but there are hundreds of entries, as they are doing exactly with your problem apart. This was all written down already. If you are interested in the topic, pick up a week or time, and now works as some resistance. Then will find many answers and you then you can decide much better idea of what you'll need, what will it cost you and whether you can afford it.
And when questions are still open, will find enough people here who are happy to help you and share their experience.
Key points that you need to find out: 1. How big is my budget? 2. For whom do I make the whole? 3. What kind of projects I have in mind? 3. How I will distribute my films? 4. I only turn, or I will cut synonymous? 5. What do I need for my projects? Light? Micro? -Tripod? -special optics? Average PC / Mac & Software? Archiving? 6. Veeery important: how much time can and I want to put into my projects?
Without wanting to discourage you, but only because good image quality for little money compared, can be purchased quickly and uncomplicated in the media market, does that still does not mean that you 2 weeks later nen Madness Short Film've done. Video is (such a large field, now), especially since the newly added HD format jungle duch, since it takes time and ambition to work through for himself.
The danger is through your input posting the following: If anyone here gives you an answer that satisfies you, he enumerates you exactly what you need, but you have no idea what he has recommended to you there, it can happen that fast you're going from 3000 to 5000 Euros and then with equipment standing there, that you do not need, or is unsuitable for your purposes.
Reply pixtrixntrax:
Raphael may perhaps once a link to a film of the post, maybe in youtube, then you can advise him what he should get yourself (; light Steadicam Jr., optics, micro (; port) ...)? Gruß Hans
Reply Raffael:
I, for example, before turning a snowboard film in the winter as they are often found on youtube.
Reply Piers:
Somehow it's hard to help you.
A film, like on Youtube?
or something?
or something?
The first film would you some of the equipment cost hundreds of thousands. In the second, brauchste ne Canon 5d MkII about 2500 euros. The third party can do with your phone, no charge.
Give it a few times about your ideas. Because it can even begin to ninth with it, let alone help him.
No offense.
Reply Raffael:
I try it again.
I probably need a stabilizing objectively if I want to go to film synonymous ... if there is such a thing.
I know not of what the subject, or whether there are any differences, but if I want somewhere to use the slow motion, the motion to stay around.
I thought I buy an HD camera because my program FCE AVCHD format support. I suspect that is supported by nothing but during the shooting I like to change my position. this is probably important to make synonymous the sunlight because I often movies outdoors. I attach great value to the image quality.
The microphone is not as important a film as a snowboard, I would remove the audio track and add a song, but that would certainly be that I capture in my shooting close up of dialogues (; as synonymous in free indoors in any weather)
More strikes me not just a I hope that's enough for now ...
Reply JonasB:
And one could suggest you are still 30 cameras ... at your level of knowledge, I can only recommend you ne possible to get cheap Cam. If you know what and why you need more, you can upgrade. You do not make the film the camera. Red also can look like shit ne ^ ^ Guck doch einfach mal in Slashcam-camcorder-comparison. Since much has been tested and you can look closely. Price range, AVCHD, etc. ... With AVCHD, it is important to have a quick calculator to.
My current tip would be a HV20 with (heavy wide-angle converter, fisheye direction). (; For the Snowboard Film)
If it were not, however, AVCHD, but is the most popular low-budget moviemakers camera.
Reply B.DeKid:
EWA Marine bag is needed
These models of Canon HF or HV
Of Hoya UV Filters
T Bone Micro
Raynox WW
Reflector set from the photo area
MfG B. DeKid
PS: The film from the board and inline skaters should practice a few hours before it goes to the Rotary
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