I have a problem with Premiere CS3. A file, a movie with the Media Encoder to export fails because the encoder in the open (on File, Export, Media Encoder) every premiere of the crash caused. The encoder does not open again.
Did someone already have a similar problem or even a solution?
I have an Intel Core2Duo 6300 1.86Ghz and 1GB of RAM and ATI X300/X550 series Redeon
Thank you for the assistance already
Antwort von king_lijaone:
I recently had the same problem (see my thread "audio adjust") and for me it was broken s.einem audio file that I had to be imported. Maybe you have a corrupted file synonymous imported and now they want to export.
Antwort von Chrisss:
Have now solved the problem. It lacked QuickTime 7 Very odd, the premiere is not known with an error message does. Well, yes. So now I have Quicktime 7 installed and everything works great.
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