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| Beginner some Questions!
Question of Hallo123: Februar 2012
Hi all, \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e can you recommend me video cameras? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e My budget is around 2000-3000 (only for camcorder or DSLRbody Objectively +). \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e I am drawn back to the 5D Mark namely second Or on you can recommend me something else? \u003cbr /\u003e I know though with low from it. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e I work really alsEB camera man and live with Swivel DigiBetas. \u003cbr /\u003e Is the 5D Mark2 + accessories as compatible? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Of course I want it I like synonymous shoulder. \u003cbr /\u003e Are there any accessories or \u003cbr /\u003e Remotes (focus dial and Zoom rocker) as usual in Schulertamerapositioniert?, \u003cbr /\u003e -View Finder (peaking or Schaerfenziehhilfe must be clearly visible) with which to work being sensibly? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To Objectively is to say that I want to work initially with an Objectivity.
Reply B.DeKid:
Canon 550D or XF100 it still ne incl 600D Magic Lantern \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Objectively Nikkor AIs than 35 mm and still NEN 17-55 Ziger is sufficient (but were synonymous NEN few FB Lenses with M42 mount) \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e ......... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Steadycam Shoulder Cam and are 2 different sites \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e .......... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Stopping down to f8 everything is sharp of here to somewhere. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e .......... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Tone via an external recorder and directional microphone \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Best regards \u003cbr /\u003e B. DeKid
Reply Hallo123:
Thanks for your reply. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Why do you recommend to the SonyCF and still ne 550D? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e I've read that the 5D Mark 2 produces excellent images in Lowkey how to work with her but I do not know. \u003cbr /\u003e Many fall back on them, but who knows because of better? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e I am familiar with Native Instruments all over is not enough. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e I want to shoulder it necessarily so that I can work with their being sensibly. \u003cbr /\u003e In the hand I can not work with it. Important for me is to know whether they are favorable or accessories for Objectively, in order to make decent pan shots of the shoulder and to be able to remain synonymous with live events lowkey situ in the closen sharp or to be able to recognize all (peaking). Zoom rocker! \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e With steady or Glidesystemen
Reply B.DeKid:
\u003cdiv class=\\u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Zoom rocker is there at HDSLR lenses you do not have to rotate or zoom via unit (lever). \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e .................. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Tone is coupled either Cam or Cam Micro and clays as reference tone and extra sound recorders + micro then used to set the external tone a.zu later. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e .................. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Glidecam HD 1000 or HD 2000 with NEN good steadycam system. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e ................... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e You will need ND filters because there are noeingebauten ND filter at HDSLR cams / lenses. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e :::::::::::::::::::::::: \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Here is just ne http://forum.slashcam.de/canon-60d-original-bg-50mm-14-gini-rig-zubehor-vt97392.html 60D sold including Rig Follow Focus and need still NEN is good. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Nen viewfinder would benot synonymous wrong then if you want to work shoulders. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Otherwise HDSLR are more suitable for scenic work better. So on the tripod. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e .................. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Otherwise, you're not familiar with HDSLR cams if you like you apparently already made familiar with EB Mills \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Shutter 1/50 at 25 fps \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Aperture open the same bokeh (TiefenUnSchaerfe), Aperture equal to no bokeh (TiefenSchaerfe) \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e ...................... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Whether you now ne 5D Mark II, or ne ne 550D/600D/60D Panasonic GH2 take almost no preference. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e But if you want to do so much run and gun ENG I would with my NER VDSLR superior to another. For 3000 € get there actually quite nice
Reply Hallo123:
hey, thanks for your answer. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Why does it because noRolle, whether ne 5D Mark II, or ne ne 550D/600D/60D Panasonic GH2? Price it has been playing ne role? why? \u003cbr /\u003e (Many people use the 5d mark2 back?) \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e I can with the lever? (Or whatever that is) synonymous ran smooth and go out, bring pure movement? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e I love the thing with the interchangeable lenses and video cameras for a hand or even extra .. to buy a shoulder stand? \u003cbr /\u003e So I thought to myself, that of making recordings of live bands at clubs lowkey. It mitzuschwenken properly ... otherwise everything just relaxed ... O-tones, etc..
Reply B.DeKid:
First of all .... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e = Over-exposed image HighKey \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e LowKey = Underexposed Image \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e AL = available light \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e LowLight = low light \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e ...................... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e There is therefore no preference because VDSLR / SystemCams are suitable only for limited Run & Gun. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e If you have Aperture f8 ISO / gain so highly as the screw is still low at LowLight what can be captured without a snow flurry. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e ............. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e The 5D Mark II because many use ... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e A) She was one of the first cams to work with the man wanted to / could \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e B) Because she is FF (full frame) and the U.S. (crop) goes away \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e C) a pretty good (high places) ISO behavior a.Fully engage the day (which synonymous NEN Bisselby the FF sensor is limited. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Otherwise, there is now synonymous but enough people who would rather use the GH2 because they mitsichbringt slightly better resolution and image quality than the currently available VDSLR (Canon) cams. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e But as the new Canon cams on the market will soon raises the Question whether there should be no wait. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e ................. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e But since you want to start "only" 3,000 € naja because it is not very far. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e A good shoulder rig with FollowFocus capturing its a.ca 1000 € and then goes on depending on the quality / high name next to Price. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Ne 5D currently costs about 2000 € \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Nen good zoom lens 500 + € \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Nen including directional sound recorder Micro about 300 - 500 euros \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Nen goodvariable ND filter will cost another 100 + € \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Nen Viewfinder Zucato are again going over 200 € \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Memory cards and do not forget to bag \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Say you have enough money so ne 550D or 600D ranges from loose \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e ............................. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Kuck you some pictures of a LowLight XF 100/105 an, the P.Bloom has since brought some remove video, that's enough from loose! \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e What you then do not have interchangeable lenses - Toll WHAT IS OF consumption if we want to be zooming around eh? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e I would rather there ne VIDEO CAMERA to buy Wide Angle Adapter and still NEN If given halt ne small feet shoulder / shoulder pad. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e If you then NEN NEN few weeks in Bissel money to spare you can just ne550D used to buy more and NEN few M42 lenses. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e .................................... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e So NEN zoom lever as offering him Chrosziel is virtually nothing more than NEN FollowFocus but stop with handle (crank) - if you can zoom in to clean - well, even with exercise and good zoom lens NER. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e To compare with NER zoom rocker on any account! \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e .................................... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Ergo you sit down and put on ne list - write there for each un counterpoint to VideoCam / VDSLR \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e ... and then you come quickly to NEN result .... or question times on your work / internship NEN professional what he so the idea of \u200b\u200ba VDSLR in ENG field holds. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Here are some of the guys now synonymous ADDITIONALLY ENG small ne
Reply Hallo123:
Thank you for your answer. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e The Panasonic GH2, \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e they are there for proper shoulder stands zubehoer +, \u003cbr /\u003e if so, what is there to recommend? remain in total about 2,5 k .. (Camera + lens + tripod shoulder remotesZUMRUMZOOMEN, etc) \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e * because * it is favorable shoulder stands, with which one can still work being sensibly. especially when it comes Viefinder, Follow Focus and Zoom rocker. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Can one suggest something. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e no sound recorder etc to it, I find nice but even amusing that one thinks more quickly eagerly: D. very good!
Reply B.DeKid:
Shoulder rigs, there are dozens of possible regions in all price \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Remotes, there are no, so nothing there with Lanc - as I said VDSLR and video camera, or EB / ENG Cam everything ne other site. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Ergo with NER VDSLR zooms are not (you should make synonymous anyway ;-)) \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e So I have to pull off because of rigs I have low or because the plan is what we use more expensive than your budget allows then for the other guys Free Stage. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e ............... \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e And clear thinking "we" with - because in the end it was the last 3 years 150 000 + Leuts like you enjoy working with NER VDSLR wanted - and now there are just 150 000 Leuts to sell your equipment back because they had to find you the
Reply Hallo123:
Thank you. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e So thank you for your help. =) \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e I'll explain exactly where I want to use them, because if you look for so Muehe pretend to advise me, ne? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Generally I do not want to use fuerEB-bets, so-sichEB people know so well from synonymous with HDSLR and love to use hand-held cameras. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Ideally I would like to use it because it gives the Lowkey synonymous with or actually too little light, sensational images. \u003cbr /\u003e And I thought to myself, they bring in live events at clubs gloomy. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Why and how steady zoom? 2 different sites? \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Because I want to shoulder anyway, I can do without driving or on a steady basis as the budget and put on smoothe zoom + pan, but something is indeed often overestimated, if you have a veryis large. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e Of course I'm no longer synonymous with the idea, it does not lead to the tripod, because I shot the synonymous with the shoulder can turn off a customer-friendly and it has smooth instead exhale zoom in, right?. After all, I have a nice colorful stand shoulder to disposal, with which I could not come up with the idea to produce a single-standing, because it would be my "expensive 500" € zoom rocker etc so useless and ehm, yes amusing amusing .. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e we remain at the thing .. And now? And now? I? even the man is! \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e But thanks for the info that you can not live with their zoom properly. Too bad ... I thought I had almost
Reply Tiefflieger:
I myself have movies with a camcorder in hochaufloesenden 1080p50 and I decided against VDSLR. \u003cbr /\u003e\u003cbr /\u003e VDSLR are system cameras, so it can of any one Manufacturer accessories are used. \u003cbr /\u003e The devices are suitable for Still and Video. \u003cbr /\u003e Only have the above statement indicates that as a compromise in the other direction will be discussed. \u003cbr /\u003e A photographic lens is hochaufloesend, but for the video is too much. It receives Alias \u200b\u200b| Wavefront Maya | Wavefront Mayaing and Moir and in the reduced resolution video images (the details other cameras can record). \u003cbr /\u003e Because of the large sensor, the Tiefenschaerfe is small, which is desired in certain situations. \u003cbr /\u003e Since moving objects usually contains a video or the camera is run, the Schaerfenbeurteilung
Reply Frank B.:
In the budget I would recommend a camcorder and a HDSLR synonymous. \u003cbr /\u003e € 3000 sounds like a lot of times before, but it is not if you take the accessories with the view. \u003cbr /\u003e The XF 100 is secure great, but eats almost the entire budget. Perhaps tuts synonymous neCanonXA 10 or G 10 eineCanonHF They're both very strong in Lowlightbereich synonymous. The XA 10 additionally has a handle and XLR connectors. For this I would take one or even a Panasonic GH2 already recommended the Canon-snapping. With a good Objectively, has essentially been that of 3000, - € - cracked border.
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