I have a 16:9 video with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 I wanted to know how you created above and below a black border, as in the shooting ... (; Without dragging the video, so that the edges are slightly above the video) And can the two edges above and below, perhaps even synonymous use in a different color? Thank you!
Antwort von B.DeKid:
The example is called a letterbox or even 2.35:1 Cinemascope
1920x870 would then be
And yes, the bars can be pink striped checkered synonymous
so just 2 bars design and lay on the video.
Since nothing is scaled or compressed but only covered with nerve mask when you turn in 16:9.
Everything else is anamorphic lens adapter or burn it directly to the Picture so on the film!
There are s.Kameras or preview monitors Makierung calls the guidelines or to the one in the Cropmark Kadrage / Recording already displays what is in the picture was not.
MfG B. DeKid
Antwort von LuvJoy:
many thanks! but how does it work with adobe premiere? sorry it had accidentally posted in after effects. what is the name and because I can not find it??
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Click in the sequence window (top left)> Create NEN "title" there simply dragging two bars on
Or you create in Photoshop or Gimp with an area transparency to 1920x1080 (for example) are there a square pixel
signed nest then 2 black bars> speicherst with transparency from all of that and put in first in ne video track of your footage.
MfG B. DeKid
PS: Whether you like it just the bar as wide do that exactly (as I said I think it was) 870 pixels left over is really no preference. Yes your stuff is always 16:9 no preference whether present in 1280x720 or 1920x1080
TIP: Due to the bar if you look at the first show you can not have let the Picture in Premiere NEN bissel still out and her back ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:
Here times have ne Letter Box in white - if you should now colorize via Color That thing you had to be happy ;-)