Canopus ProCoder 2 to 2 settings / options-'s are they?
Frage von dvwga: Juni 2006
Hello! I have been working with the above mentioned product. Come synonymous pretty good already clear that, as I have found here and in other forums a lot about "good and perfect" settings for perfect results. But, unfortunately, still can not do 2 things remain open, which I do not understand and appropriately. As would be the one that I do not think, how can I convert a file into any format. Succession is clear, but it is supposed to work at the same time synonymous, but how?? When I say "simply" click it takes several options, ProCo the last thing I click, omits the others. Using a drop-down menu, I synonymous find anything suitable.
Second, there's something of which is synonymous, however, I do not even know if that were possible with the ProCo /: I can import ProCo 2 synonymous with several files simultaneously, then this issue behind synonymous same time? I've got s.The 300 clips, all about 30 seconds to 5 minutes max, because I naturally have little desire to spend on each import einzelnd and. Perhaps someone can say something to me because to do so. Thank you Markus
Antwort von universl:
You have multiple targets at Target in there? Then he makes (almost) everything at once, you can click on individual files while converting the Page on the right and so are the different results.
Your 2 requirement I do not quite understand. Do you batch conversion, then you need the button queue.
Want all 300 clips gleichzeitg walk, then simply add in all the source and determine the target, press conversion, and it converts all files to your target format.
Or did you mean something else?
Antwort von dvwga:
Hello UNIVERSL, Thank you for your quick response. So, that to the 2nd Point of you described, I'm going to try. To the point 1 but I do not really understand, because I tried to click more than one target at just under 2 different formats of a file to create. But he then gives me only the selected as the second format s.and if I want to then convert the format synonymous only comes out here, none 2 Or am I forgetting a step? I was there a little irritated that you wrote "on the right-click the Page Files understand ".... I just can not correct (for the moment that just do not understand, unfortunately, synonymous, or try out, because on the calculator just about ProCo is rendered, perhaps I understand it when I see it ...)
Antwort von quimby007:
If you add the targets with added Add Target? That you need for each target so do not select the dialog with several presets, but add each add Target with Target.
Antwort von dvwga:
Hello! Yes, I have the files with the dialog eingfügt in the presets (it had tried before at about 1 hours), that is also selected several of ProCo and turns it into a file in that format. Synonymous is not entirely wrong for me, since many of the individual files already synonymous together and that afterwards I could cut it in Premiere, as I need it. Does your question about the nature of the einaldens it, or is there something special, what is better, depending on the type / worse? Did the method to add each file separately by Ad target not tried this yet, but I suspect once the ProCo then row away all invited Files synonymous posing as individual files, right?
Antwort von Jörg:
Hi, looking at you once the possibilities contained in Procoder Option Watch folder for. The help explain the steps. Gruß Jörg
Antwort von dvwga:
Hello! I've found out a lot thanks to your help now. Thank you for this because it really helps me next. Is always great here in the forum if you remain hanging irgendwomit times, comes after a question is almost always a useful answer. Wow! Gruss Markus
Antwort von universl:
Make films join (from several different shooting a long) do you do with the function STITCH.
You have to run for any desired target, the target function ADD. Nothing else really works.
What I meant with the files on the right Page:
During the conversion, as you see the preview window viewing, and on the right page the target files have been created by the Procoder straight. The way you can click and watch the preview window target.
Example: you create from the source film a WMV file, an RM file, an MPEG file. Then you see these targets during the conversion process on the right-click Page, and they can target and are then displayed in the preview Fentser. Very useful to compare the different targets with each other directly, and possibly even adapt.
Antwort von dvwga:
Hello UNIVERSL, still thanks for the explanation. I will try out the times, but not right away, I'm in the fairly good weather, then spent the whole day long s.PC (had to kill the other calculator-like mad) and now have really no nerves more. I think the ProCo me is still so few "secrets revealed", I at least feel quite so. But I think the program is really great, I must say synonymous. If one views make the effort to try all the settings just once s.kurzen movies, you know soon what the settings s.Besten (for his own feelings or what you promise yourself, because I think it shows people are 10 and has at least 8, would make it quite different ... are) and it reads, and stop in fora where is (stupidly?) questions. Thanks again, and greeting Markus