Do you know how Sowas music archives with usable commercial music? So a website where you can listen to music samples, and then, eventually, the right to buy it?
.... The two usual suppliers are
Selected Sound and
Sonoton. Or very good is apparently synonymous
Reply wolfgang:
As so often in life. And I tend to use the Digital Juice products - also a matter of taste.
Reply noch ´n Gast:
dear people, since there is still a program called tape in a Box, for the background music actually synonymous should be sufficient. Much of it sounds a little jazzy without finishing, you may be synonymous, but the consequences of any chord pieces cut into the keyboard (without staff knowledge) and so his music without any copyright violations themselves together tinker.
Incidentally, the program can "Muzak" like himself synonymous "compose".
I use the program very much like for training purposes, but perhaps yes for one or the other worth a try.
Reply DerNick:
Love people
Thanks for your help. Did some of links now s.den customers.