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| Conversion - problem?
Question of flipper123: September 2009
Hello, I have purchased in the spring of my first HD camcorder, a SonyHC9. During a vacation trip properly raw material filmed and then via I-link connection of the HC9 HDV to DV on the hard drive of a notebook, you can convert and transfer. The calculator and synonymous Pinnacle studio 10.7, the software can not because of performance HDV editing and creation. So then had a 50 min project with transitions and music created and then burned as a DVD. This DVD is running on the notebook properly as you want of me. -- But! - Two external, regular DVD players, the music is horribly distorted, reproduced, transitions are not clean and the movie does not seem to partially shown at the right speed - partly with some jerking. Well, I'm an absolute amateur and amateur! To date, the video editing with my old DV camcorder has, given me much pleasure, but what now? I now need a Blue ray player? - Has solved the problem? About the help and good tips of you, I would be very happy! Have a nice day .... flipper123
Reply ksr:
With BluRay has nothing to do - BluRay would only ne better quality, if you were to edit your source material synonymous in HDV. After the conversion to DV ne DVD is exactly the right thing, which should not jerk so - irrespective of the HD source material!
The problem probably lies with the DVD creation. How exactly are you there happened what settings? Presumably, the bit rate is too high, so that many standalone DVD player does not get along.
Reply flipper123:
Thank you for the prompt response and help! I am with the DVD does not create acted differently than in the past synonymous and true as follows:
Create 1.) Movie menu - Settings - Create Disc
2.) Disc Type: DVD quality video / memory allocation: Best Quality Audio Compression: pcm Kbps: 7500
Note: these are the preferences Kbits / s can not be changed, therefore the software of a specified value.
Otherwise check mark on "progressive encoding" and tick "always re-encode the whole movie."
Does that now better for error analysis? - Had great!
Reply ksr:
So are, if it (the same approach; Settings heard so far correctly) and the same DVD player, I know, unfortunately, not synonymous next ...
If you choose other players: Lower Quality Level!
Reply flipper123:
Thank you, ksr! The only thing that differs my previous actions of the transmission of data via I-link HD is converted to DV. Maybe there I'm a hiring mistake. ... Thanks again! flipper123
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