Hello people, I am quite new to the forum and now need your help. I have probably made the classic beginner's mistake and now knows not how next, I bought a new camera and I have read the supplied manual befor starting filming ... Later I discovered that the whole system was gesettet to 1080 60i, if I toggle to make the camera a system-50i and rebut the files are of course no-longer to read ... What now? can someone help me? I would be really grateful Greetings Geko
Ah, the files are on SD card and the camera is a JVC
Antwort von RickyMartini:
Copy all the main folder of the SDHC card to the calculator and secure that data. Then you can convert to 50i and format the card in the camcorder. Let the first video better on the 60i, which is indeed not a problem for LCDs and computers.
Antwort von Geko76:
Does not really ... So thank you very much for your quick response, I just tried habs, but I can no longer read the files and computers are still less playable aufdm I try to upload a clip once, you look what is not running because
Antwort von Geko76:
Upload it did not work synonymous right now is nothing more I'm afraid I have lost everything ... I'm lost
Antwort von Debonnaire:
What was on it?
Somehow I can not imagine that the "loss" of a video, which you have rotated before you even have read the instructions, can be truly profound bad!
My suggestion: remove everything set correctly, reformat, make a few (worthless) test images to clean up the entire workflow and THEN with shooting to begin!
Antwort von Geko76:
It was Christmas dinner, the company, mitt women's ballet of the cleanroom. Eingentlich a great opportunity to shoot around a bit without remembering the people there gros ... unfortunately it but many people have seen everything I've filmed and now wonder if the film is ready. I must admit that I probably had all the filthy ...
For the future what would be the best recording format eingentlich?
I have these opportunities 1080 / 24p, 25p, 30p, 50i, 60i and auchnoch 720 / 50p but apparently not compatible between each other, now what is the best?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
"Geko76" wrote:
... Does not work ...... really can no longer read the files and aufdm computers are still less playable ...
Perhaps someone think of a solution if you least preisgibst a few specific details: Date Which Camera? How to put on the computer? What software tries to open? etc. etc.
Antwort von Geko76:
GY-HM100 included in Mpeg4 And with the Fu **** MAGIX Video Deluxe 2009 full equipment, you should read the Mpeg4 without problem, trying to process
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Even if 60i is the optimum setting, is therefore not equal in the world. As you have copied the data on the calculator? Exactly where it's hanging: crash, error message or or or? And you have the pictures still on the card to be able to make a new attempt?
Antwort von Jott:
Since you've chosen, but a complicated Camera with many bad options and buttons, to film as Totalanfänger a company party to ... the theme of "handling of XDCAM EX footage is now only look at your new material. Just watch times is not there. Hands off of the cards, do not delete before you know exactly what you have to let you in when and how to handle it. Enjoy!
Antwort von Alf_300:
What strikes me as - Quicktimr for Apple Final Cut gibts da generally not working with Apple and Windows Quicktime?
Antwort von Jott:
"Geko76" wrote:
GY-HM100 included in Mpeg4 And with the Fu **** MAGIX Video Deluxe 2009 full equipment, you should read the Mpeg4 without problem, trying to process
It is MPEG 2, which receives the camera end. The "container" and the data structure around it must be understood by the halt program editing, it's will probably tick. XDCAM EX is unlikely to be in the format that is understood by your home program.
The worst case (the ballet of the cleanroom ladies only remains in the memory of funny) you would survive synonymous. Hold dearly. If you s.The files do not get close, they stop playing from the camera, you s.einen Television followed.
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