| Couple questions
Question of Idive:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif) Juni 2007
Hi folks,
I have recently increased the Canon HV20 and am of the recordings of the camera and totally thrilled. Jeztz after a couple of bands I have two questions.
If I have a full tape and the material was then on the PC yesterday, I can actually play the tape again, speaks against something, or how are you doing this? Always new tapes would have to take quite a bit expensive.
2. Question. I've a video of HV20 seen where you can zoom directly without s.einem object is closer to the natural sound but it was not interrupted. How does something, it is with a camera or is it possible with an additional camera was made?
Reply Bernd E.:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Always new tapes would have to take quite a bit expensive. Sure you can theoretically use the tapes several times, but I would not do: First, they are the easiest and best way, the original recordings to be archived, on the other hand, rises at too frequent use of the risk of errors. The costs in the current price for MiniDV tapes but not really significant.
Gruß Bernd E.
Reply thos-berlin:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Not s.falschen end save!
On a 120 GB hard drive for the price of about ¬ 100, - fit around 10 hours of video-material. An hour archived video costs ie ¬ 10, -. At a price of around ¬ 2, - per hour or tape, I am in fifth. (Interestingly, the hard drive for archiving So, if I 120 GB for less than ¬ 20, - must pay for ....)
I keep my original recordings on tape and have such a backup in case with the PC on which I, despite my above account parallel save, something is.
Reply Quadruplex:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
On the one hand, they are the easiest and best way, the original recordings to be archived, on the other hand, rises at too frequent use of the risk of errors. The costs in the current price for MiniDV tapes but not really significant. Full consent. Keep the originals in any case.
Reply Yann:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Not s.falschen end save!
On a 120 GB hard drive for the price of about ¬ 100, - fit around 10 hours of video-material. An hour archived video costs ie ¬ 10, -. At a price of around ¬ 2, - per hour or tape, I am in fifth. (Interestingly, the hard drive for archiving So, if I 120 GB for less than ¬ 20, - must pay for ....)
I keep my original recordings on tape and have such a backup in case with the PC on which I, despite my above account parallel save, something is. erzähglst what thou ^ ^ first time since the war for 100 euro ne 500GB external disk. and 2nd, you can calm the HDV tapes several times over to play. Ich hab ne TV broadcasters in an internship and made the play on the synonymous loose 10 times and there are no errors. Aja ne thing yet HDV have 1 hours to me about 8 GB.
Reply thos-berlin:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
erzähglst what thou ^ ^ first time since the war for 100 euro ne 500GB external disk.
Sorry, had firstly by brand plates and secondly, in the 2.5 "compatriots. But even with the 3.5" I have none for 100, - Discount ... (KM), and bands get possibly synonymous günstigr than 2, --
2nd, you can calm the HDV tapes several times over to play. Ich hab ne TV broadcasters in an internship and made the play on the synonymous loose 10 times and there are no errors.
For TV broadcasters, both the tapes as synonymous what 'it is disposable .....
Aja ne thing yet HDV have 1 hours to me about 8 GB.
Sorry, I am still in DV, and since there are about 12-13. The exact size could be made by the HDV MPEG encoding synonymous vary depending on picture content. (Did not HDV, it can not be assessed)
pS: I've hard so far more than DV tapes "lost". If the hard drive out is idr everything away, on a tape, you can still salvage something better .....
Even if "your" cheap plate you're still not cheap - not cheap!
Reply PowerMac:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
HDV as DV is about 13 GB per hour. HDV tapes, I would not play so often overlooked. Plays times and what a review with his right (technology-) program, the number of image errors by dropouts. That is already more. V. s.weil fast ne half a second is missing. That's when broadcast tapes and expensive Mazen whether the compression technique and "do something" different.
Reply Idive:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Thank you for the many replies.
So I think that I am at the single recording per tape will remain, because of better data. The magnetic tapes are ultimately the best medium.
I have 6 tapes of Pana AY-DVM 60 YE prof. bought extra for 3CCD voted in favor and 27 Euro plus postage 6 Euro paid. Which one of you a better or cheaper Dealers?
Oh yes, I may perhaps one with my 2nd Question help zoomlosen because of the approximation?
Reply Bernd E.:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
I can ... perhaps one with my 2nd Question help zoomlosen because of the approximation? Honestly, I read after multiple synonymous not quite what you mean by that? Closer s.das motif herankommen without zooming, for example, walk ;-)
Gruß Bernd E.
Reply Idive:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
@ Bernd E.
Also in the video was this: A motif was filmed, a boy playing on the road. You can hear the natural sounds: birds, cars, people, etc. First stop was a normal and then recordings made without zooming or approach nearer, came the close-up of the boy, as if it was zoomed out, but the noise did not interrupt or jump.
Here, as a clip
Reply Wiro:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hello, You need in the post just the normal recording continues to run and the close-up as an insert without sound drüber basket. Gruss Wiro
Reply Idive:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
So you mean if I edit the recording, so there is not a kind of function s.Camcorders, for example by a setting that you directly without Zoom s.Objekt is.
Reply Wiro:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Nöö, there are not. The cut (assembly) of a film is always in the post. Gruss Wiro
Reply RoDiAVision:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
I have 6 tapes of Pana AY-DVM 60 YE prof. bought extra for 3CCD voted in favor and 27 Euro plus postage 6 Euro paid. Which one of you a better or cheaper Dealers?
I have looked at Saturn in Siegen two 5s packs DV cassette of Fuji bought the pack to about 13, - Euro up to now and am very happy with it, have with these tapes so far about 7 hours of video material.
Greetings! Dirk
Reply FritzK:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hi, I think the cameraman, a tripod is used and thus s.das object (the boy) approach. Greeting FritzK
Reply Wiro:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
So people ... look at the linked clip look closely. If the close-up is coming - is the drummer since synchronously? Na? Which tripod was used as well? ;-)))
This is a normal insert - and this made synonymous nor bad. Gruss Wiro
Reply mov:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
extra tapes for 3CCD cameras - so silly that sidn digital data, ie 1 and 0, and the only reason for more expensive tapes is possibly less wear and tear on the heads. I use just the cheap TDKs, ¬ 11 / 5
Reply Frank B.:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Had it been a few times in the forum, but here again gladly. I personally keep all my HDV - and DV - original recordings in the most high-quality DV - bands, the next above Panasonic ribbons on. HDV tapes, I do not use. With these aforementioned Panasonic tapes I had no problems yet. The mixing of different varieties to avoid band. Pre-cut films come again back to a DV tape. In addition to DVD and even future synonymous to a hard drive. The DV tape in my opinion is currently the most reliable storage media, because hard disks can crash synonymous. From the DVD times we prefer to remain silent. It is just a distribution medium, not a medium for data backup. I have a few euros more for a cassette rather than my originals to lose. If I times for other people and the films processed film delivered, I have been synonymous cartridges reused. With HDV, I would be as synonymous but very cautious. Since I'm with Powermac that is already next top has warned. The problems come only after band, ie the recording work I do not remember times when it gives dropouts. I would like to thank the Recording of a possible perfect tape can leave and the times are also rather new. Incidentally, this is the reason why I know nothing of Vorbespielen bands in order of time code generation think. Good, it is synonymous s.Anfang a ribbon at least 10 seconds Color Bars or Black picture recorded as dropouts often s.Bandanfängen form. In addition, it facilitates the digitizer s.Calculator. About tapes and data is already much has been written in the forum. I recommend that the thread starter, then to search.
Still short a word to external hard disks. In the enclosures are often installed brand disks. There are, in fact, have 500 GB for just over 100 Euro. Since the DV tape is about the price-store - performance not much better there. But in the data.
Reply Empire:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
I have the Panasonic AY-DVM60FE order. 10 pcs for 19.90. Have so far is a recorded. At 45min video, I could then, however, a drop can be observed.
Reply Frank B.:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
I have the Panasonic AY-DVM60FE order. 10 pcs for 19.90. Have so far is a recorded. At 45min video, I could then, however, a drop can be observed.
The use of my tape is Panasonic AY-DVM 60 YE (see above). This is better, however, synonymous expensive. Better not, of course, in terms of image quality, which is all the same DV tapes. Better but in the Dropout vulnerability. What exactly is different, I can not say, I take s.die coating or perhaps are just better, or have selected a better mechanism installed, no idea. In any case, with this tape, I have far fewer problems than with all other varieties. Also, the words "for 3CCD is more to the Proffessionalität of the tape, rather than the image quality relate. You would just write: "For high quality camcorder," because who more than 1000,-Euro for a camcorder issues, should not necessarily the cheapest tape from the junk box take. I am convinced that problems with such cheap tapes, perhaps not immediately, but sometime it will occur.
Reply Frank B.:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Oh, hab noch was forgotten. Dropouts can always happen, synonymous with the best bands because they are determined not only by a bad band locations caused. Even small dust grains, which come into the drive, or by bonding tape, which over time will be left in the drive and perhaps still are exposed to temperature fluctuations can be bonded. Certainly much more.
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