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| Crank head question
Question of WWJD: Februar 2007
I'm busy for a long time the question whether there is a mini-crank head for smaller cameras such as DV, HDV, etc. there.
Thank you for ev instructions.
Reply usul:
What do you crank under one head?
Reply WWJD:
Arrihead 2, Panahead
Reply Bernd E.:
From Cambo's times were at least a somewhat more compact - designed for large format cameras. And yes synonymous Manfrotto has some on offer.
Gruß Bernd E.
Reply WWJD:
Thanks Bernd, but I thought of building design and more like those described above. Has even one of the professionals perhaps NEN Tip?
Gruss saamjo
Reply dieter.adler:
In Europe there's nothing as good as in USA only large because Panavision and Arri patents with other companies that have made life difficult. Ev. you'll find of Cinema Products nor the Worral Head or the mini worral, s.and to dive at ebay etc. again and are super on heads, though not quite cheap.
Greeting Manuel Wenger www.varicam.net
Reply dieter.adler:
Hi Manuel
Thank you for your info's.
"because Panavision and Arri patents with other companies that have made life difficult."
I thought that the patents had expired, the first heads yes come from the'20s or earlier, because I consider myself to build one.
Gruss Saamjo
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