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| Crossfade question
Question of Freddy2k: Oktober 2007
I am currently working on a BMX and mountain bike video to cut and still have a question about crossfades.
ht tp: / / vids.myspace.com / index.cfm? fuseaction = vids.individual & videoid = 2045874649
In this video I find these crossfades, which mainly s.1.10 min clips between the trick gets absolutely brilliant. I think this short white Aufflashen "between the clips, which are part way synonymous or roughly the contours from the previous clip with itself.
First I thought that it works when one end of a clip to easily adjust the brightness and the contrast complete hochdreht and down again in order to create this flash but the effect is achieved is not the same as in this video.
I've possibly synonymous nor other examples in videos for such transitions, if it is not clear what my soltte.
Hope someone can help me.
MfG Freddy
Reply Sindy:
Ha just something in the way I wanted to ask schonmal synonymous, but now I've seen the thread here and hope that someone has an answer
Liebe Grüße Sindy
Reply Wiro:
Hello, it is expected to order as an additive Aperture act, about 5 frames long. Many NLEs have in the arsenal under "crossfades". Gruss Wiro
Reply Freddy2k:
Thanks, I'll give it a try!
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