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| Darker image parts
Question of sunlite: Mai 2009
once again have a small problem. Have a video sequence in which a person uses on a stone. I must now, in retrospect, this stone (and only those) darken, as he is. How do I sort s.Besten to?
Thank you Greetings!
Reply B.DeKid:
Stone Mask Farbkorektur then apply
or stone frame can spend the stone and darken in Photoshop and cut out again on the main video set.
Prob will halt the person-setting
MfG B. DeKid
Reply sunlite:
Hi B. Dekid,
yes. I have tried everything. The problem is actually the person setting and especially the light, wackelnde Camera. I would have to complete the stone rotoskopieren. Have at least 2 seconds of film and rock is really angular, angular and has many angles. Tracking in this case is not at all. So I am looking for a completely different approach. If you like one more thing change, only so forth;)
Reply tommyb:
First Footage stabilize so that it does not wobble and then masking.
Reply B.DeKid:
If there are only 2 sec .... then all the images as frames by hand and spend s.arbeiten.
anything less than 250 pictures is really feasible - although it cost time, however, is perhaps the best alternative.
MfG B. DeKid
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