I try a video from FC to export to it on a Windows Calculator in Power Point to use.
Source material is HDV 1080i. It should, of course, "small" are Actually I thought there would be mpeg2 with no problems. Unfortunately, the video plays PP then only up to about half from.
What is striking is that the Win Media Player, the video is completely played out, the time bar at the bottom but runs too fast. If hot, the bar comes s.Ende, it runs but the video still.
PP plays the video about the extent s.wie the time bar runs. (hope that was understandable)
Can someone tell me how I s.besten approach. I do not have any software such as Flip4Mac or so. In addition, my time away. Until all of the latest montage fold it!
Greeting Hannes
Antwort von PowerMac:
Remains ... DV or MPEG-4.
Antwort von schlaflos011:
versuch quicktime conversion - mp4 - video codec h264
Remains ... DV or MPEG-4.
as already stands - mpeg-4 works for me wonderfully in powerpoint
Antwort von flifyre:
hmmm, everything has somehow nothing. I now have the media player as object inserted into PP. then allows the video (avi / dv) play without problems.
perhaps the PP was synonymous installation somehow badly set up ....
anyway thanks for the reply.
ps may be because someone with the history of the fast-running time in the bar mediaplayer explain?
prepared with a compressor mpeg2 should really synonymous to win or not?