Extend / shorten the main sequence of nested sequences
Frage von Tiger955: Oktober 2008
In Sequenz1 (main sequence) can I import all the other sequences, which I imagine together thematically.
If I were now in the original is a change in the length of time, we are not in the Sequenz1, ie the new length will be displayed (eg, when one sees a reduction in the condensed s.Ende gray hatched area), but not adapted. Is there a function that synonymous in Sequenz1, ie where all the sequences are assembled, the car-length of original sequence is over?
I do not want to believe it's in the Pro 2.0 and should not give you the manual to do it.
Thank you Michael
Antwort von frm:
sequence exchange with holding down the alt key. I always make the sequence of home-made longer then I have the problem not
Antwort von Tiger955:
"frm" wrote:
sequence exchange with holding down the alt key. I always make the sequence of home-made longer then I have the problem not
I understand you correctly: I stand in the main sequence, mark the sequence fit, and add while holding down the Alt-button sequence again?
(Hab on this PC no APP2 to try to see it!)
Antwort von frm:
you can no preference which Footage bottom of the sequence (eg unterseqenz, picture, video etc) and makie top left holding alttaste with the new Seqeunz or building, etc. on the subject. there are all information such as keyframes deckraft so on. probiers try.