| How do I get s.LEGALE Music in my projects?
Question of Steffen:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif) Juli 2005
We or I make a mountain bike downhill movie seem s.end of the year on DVD and want to be sold in the driver circuit in Germany. Now my question is how do I get s.musik or bands are not organized in the Gema are? Whose music I so free (of course, can be used after consultation)?
For quick answers, I would be very grateful
Mfg. Steffen
Reply Markus:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Whose music I so free ... can use?
Free? Since I'm curious ... Gema-and royalty free music is to buy anything but cheap. An audio CD can cost as quickly ¬ 100. There are several music publishers, the royalty free music Or is the background music composed directly on the edited video image (because you ask for musicians and bands)?
Reply Steffen:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
no, I just want to use only songs of bands. Without stop GEMA to pay high fees ... A few bands I've already set a record for her songs in the credits or similar z disposal ...
Reply Axel:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hello Steffen, the bands that are free to provide for a Abspannennung their music, of course, the best solution. In addition, there are several - synonymous cheap - music programs are free loops, ie rhythm samples, which accumulate and combine with any software tools can be optimally for an individual royalty free sound carpet. If I were trying times.
Reply camworks:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Whose music I so free ... can use? Free? Since I'm curious ... Gema-and royalty free music is to buy anything but cheap. An audio CD can cost as quickly ¬ 100. There are offering different music publishers, the royalty free music. Or is the background music composed directly on the edited video image (because you ask for musicians and bands)?
markus, have you ever seen a mountain bike video? who in the regular no-tralala music in it, which is similar to snowboard videos. in the area gemafrei gibts anything that could fit there, except for a band that is not organized in the gema and play the desired music style.
I rate the chances of finding as bands, not sooo bad. If the video is really good and one which shows, then it should be sure what to do. Finally, the band is synonymous daurch known.
A small problem, however, I see it: The band would eventually go to gema and become a member, are automatically protected by their ancient songs synonymous. gemapflichtig on a proposal that is the whole music. therefore respectable, what happened with the videos!
Reply Sticky_the_Tricky:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
I hope this thread has not already filed under "Done"!??
But I find the right degree of interest, as I said in my projects (that of course only for me ..... so stop tinkering) pushing a lot of different songs, which I myself cropping ....
Unfortunately, 95% are Gemapflichtig (95% of these are my vinyl which I have dubbed my calculator, the remaining 5%) are original compositions.
Let's say I want my kommerziallisieren Project "(I love that word .... gibts, anyway?), What I would have to pull the trigger for GEMA??
Danke schon mal for response:)
Greetings from the Allgäu,
Reply AndyZZ:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
I just got interested synonymous just for a bit and investigated. So ... The chance that you are legally allowed to such a song of Madonna used commercially for your video is up to us Hobbyfilmern at nearly null. GEMA is in fact only one place s.The you must pull the trigger. First, you need permission from the author of the piece have. Say: If Madonna has composed the song itself texted and then you will need the approval of this Madonna song for your project to use. But the probability is already at ZERO, unless you plan your movie in several editions 1000 or 10000 units, where you reflect on your movie costs reinkriegst UK. Furthermore, you need the permission from the publisher or record music publisher that this piece of music here marketed accordingly. And finally, GEMA, which is probably a whole nor s.günstigsten. Summary: 1. Ok the author / composer / lyricist needed => time-consuming, with costs, only s.bestimmter edition even make sense 2. OK the music publisher who sold the song needed => time-consuming, with costs 3. PRS => probably reasonably affordable cost terms, but without the first two OCs do you need to GEMA did not pitch at all.
There are probably only three useful options: 1. Compose Selber 2. Royalty Free Music buy synonymous when it is slightly more expensive 3. browse in sound libraries, which are indeed synonymous GEMA taxable, but the OK of the first two points mentioned above is much easier and probably cheaper to get a little bit.
Everything else can be completely forgotten.
Reply Sticky_the_Tricky:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Summary: 1. Ok the author / composer / lyricist needed => time-consuming, with costs, only s.bestimmter edition even make sense 2. OK the music publisher who sold the song needed => time-consuming, with costs 3. PRS => probably reasonably affordable cost terms, but without the first two OCs do you need to GEMA did not pitch at all.
Hey, that's not so hard! ;) Fun! Ok, that is really worth not in songs of such stars as Madonnna and Co. However, in my environment very interesting .... For example, in a trance. Many of the producers with security not as averse to last for, and whose music still bring a lot more "of emotions."
There are probably only three useful options: 1. Compose Selber 2. Royalty Free Music buy synonymous when it is slightly more expensive 3. browse in sound libraries, which are indeed synonymous GEMA taxable, but the OK of the first two points mentioned above is much easier and probably cheaper to get a little bit.
1. If we are accustomed;) 2. The songs are usually not so stop all the rage .... 3. Sound libraries?
;) How can you get access to those?
Danke schon mal and best regards,
Reply Markus:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
[Royalty Free Music] The songs are usually not so stop all the rage .... Hello Christian,
it's like with camcorders: For more money you will get bigger and crazier models, for less money, the entry devices. ;-) It is synonymous really good, unlicensed music, for example, of SmartSound. Ich mag dort u.s.die Klangqualität and Vielseitigkeit der Stücke. Mittels Software kannst Du Einfluss nehmen auf Musikrichtung, Laufzeit eines Titels, Charakter,... hear mal rein!
Reply Sticky_the_Tricky:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Ok, I'm officially impressed deeply! The demos have reminded me just s.The early 90 * sniffle *
But the times really listen to track samples on the right angle! Thanks:)
The SmartSound HP has to add the title "Bookmark this Page" deserves! ;)
And the price you can not really complain synonymous, when you consider the fuss and you neither herumtelefoniererei and / or ** sch-on-ground-feeling is because you have committed a punishable offense. ;)
Mercie for the tip!
Can we really then edit the tracks still arbitrary, no preference which version you buy? As is indeed a distinction between multimedia and Pro ....
Late Greetings from the dark Allgäu
Reply Markus:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hello Christian,
since you have the same in the Cassic reingehört Rock, what? ;-)
The two qualities Multimedia (22k) and Professional (44k) differ in the sampling rate and thus in the sound quality. A dealer once told me, you hear the difference, especially in the high places. DV editing on my PC was "smart Quicktracks for Adobe Premiere preinstalled. The event was witnessed around 20 titles in 44k quality. As the music with convincing me rich basses and crystal clear highs, I stayed at 44k.
Maybe it's synonymous possible to buy only the first 22k-quality, and later make an upgrade? 44k on the CDs is always a sticker with the code for the higher-quality version on it. Perhaps this sticker is missing for the 22k version and it is otherwise the same CD? But you inquire again whether the use is for the 22k version is the same as for the 44k version. I seem to recall that there were differences.
What do you actually edit with "unlimited tracks"?
You know you for the use of this CD (ROM's) need a software? For Choice Sonicfire ProSmartSound Quick tracks are
Reply Sticky_the_Tricky:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hello Christian, since you have the same in the Cassic reingehört Rock, what? ;-)
'm Actually a little bit everywhere reingehört .... But with more demos, I thought this techno / breakbeat Megamixsachen;)
But you've already answered my questions .... Is synonymous indeed a bit silly when it ne extra software needs! Hät the tracks a bit better with my equipment mistreated:)
You know you for the use of this CD (ROM's) need a software?
For $ 99 so ne CD .... would have much Only, I fear that will make the familiar "you need to order the buy, and that, and that ..." Geduddel begins! And frankly, my financial resources tend to end: (
Am now totally bleary-eyed views on the way to bed .... Good night! ... and thank you! :)
Reply Uwe:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
There are synonymous really good, unlicensed music, for example, of SmartSound . Ich mag dort u.s.die Klangqualität and Vielseitigkeit der Stücke. Mittels Software kannst Du Einfluss nehmen auf Musikrichtung, Laufzeit eines Titels, Charakter,... hear mal rein!
Hi Mark,
Through your notice now for the first time I stumbled on this software. So I do not yet completely understood. Apparently there are 3 versions => Sonicfire Pro, Quicktracks for Premiere + Movie Maestro. If I buy one of the Programs, then I probably received only a small number of pieces + must buy in CD's.
Sonicfire Pro is identical in scope with Quicktracks? Then, are these CD's suitable for all these different Programs, or only for a particular item? How does it work if one buys a CD? Gib's a folder that you just need to copy to your Applications folder?
Reply Thore Rehbach:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Good experience with Gema-free Music I have been synonymous with Proud Music. The two operators, and Stefan Talmon, Alexander P. Roos are very nice (synonymous if the images of them) look funny and handling extremely easy. There is a search engine for all sorts of criteria, one can probehören pieces on the website, and you can download low-bitrate songs you can lay out. In addition, the temporally and spatially is unlimited, but not replaced-exclusive use rights.
Reply Markus:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hello Christian, Hi Uwe,
a bottomless pit is SmartSound (not something I would not) recommend. The songs consist of individual samples, with which it is using software (requires only one) can put together whole songs with specified maturities. The advantage is that at the beginning, end and chorus accompanied by a varied and can be the same title. The output is the song finally as a WAV file, which allows editing of course synonymous with other audio programs.
I have the plug-in "Quicktracks for Premiere. Since I can select a title, specify the duration, loop button (or not) and listen to me synonymous with a choice s.möglichen variations. The compilation, which take s.besten suits my video scenes, I do.
Sonicfire is more so: you can download the video file and compose the music to fit the scenes. Unlike "Quicktracks for Premiere" is thus synonymous to switch between songs. This creates a continuous musical carpet with varying tempos.
Apparently there are 3 versions => Sonicfire Pro, Quicktracks for Premiere + Movie Maestro. If I buy one of the Programs, then I probably received only a small number of pieces + must buy in CD's. Movie Maestro synonymous, I have already heard, but I do not know the software next.
Your assumption is correct: you buy one of the Programs and get some songs (or CDs) to a starter. From there it works as with conventional audio CDs: Through the acquisition of additional CDs you slowly build your music library.
Most music CDs can be used with any software, but include some CDs Special effects, which can be used only in conjunction with Sonicfire Pro. For more details on the dealer you will know (because I'm not) the right partner.
How does it work if one buys a CD? Gib's a folder that you just need to copy to your Applications folder? The contents of the CD may (but need not) will be copied into a specific directory on your hard drive. An insert the CD is no longer necessary, the titles remain permanently available.
Reply Uwe:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Thanks Marcus for your Execute. Declaration. Then probably Sonicfire the "flagship". The synonymous explains the difference of good $ 200, - => Quicktracks 99.95 => Sonicfire Pro 299 ,-...
Reply Markus:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hi All,
Last week, I have a few new SmartSound-CDs nebst Sonicfire Pro bestellt and wollte Euch über deren "Holiday Special" (noch bis zum 31.12.05) informieren: "Buy 2 Get 1 FREE". Der Discount wird direkt im Warenkorb abgezogen.
If I were synonymous at the camcorder recommend buying any transatlantic orders, so there is at Music luckily no NTSC surprises. ;-) The Sales Service in Northridge, USA is otherwise very nice and email inquiries will be answered quickly. My order was here in just 3 business days. :-)
One more thing: Because some CDs in Germany nor the Gema-release runs in this country are not (yet) all the titles available (*). If there is a need, just ask. I have a current list. ;-)
* I must see how I s.The "'m Far East" CD ... I needed for my own current Holiday Movie ... They ought not be synonymous gemafrei ...
Reply AndyZZ:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
One more thing: Because some CDs in Germany nor the Gema-release runs in this country are not (yet) all the titles available (*). If there is a need, just ask. I have a current list. ;-)
The times I would be interested: andyzz at web.de
* I must see how I s.The "'m Far East" CD ... I needed for my own current Holiday Movie ... They ought not be synonymous gemafrei ...
Can you also do not buy more than SmartSound U.S.? Or buy more than Sonicfire Pro from the program for individual titles?
Reply Markus:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Reply Markus:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hi Andy,
You have mail. ;-)
Unfortunately SmartSound does not sell CDs in Germany that are not yet recognized as Royalty. The download I have not tried this yet, but it would be before 31 March do. Then that is running off my voucher that I got together with Sonicfire Pro ...
Reply AndyZZ:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Thank you. Have you already answered. Before I had seen your Posz here. Question is thus in effect already answered.
Reply placa:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
quite violently, even the annoying! stein-old threads are constantly being pushed up again, and that really matters remain current in the rear. I know how to answer yet to be synonymous machts not better, but perhaps have heard what you view a herren massivetracks and enter now finally satisfied. but soon all times there must be threads about zugepfeffert gema, huh?
Reply admin:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
quite violently, even the annoying! stein-old threads are constantly being pushed up again, and that really matters remain current in the rear. I know how to answer yet to be synonymous machts not better, but perhaps have heard what you view a herren *** And now finally be satisfied. but soon all times there must be threads about zugepfeffert gema, huh?
Did the spam now (once again) deleted
Reply BananaDragon:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
How it looks like when I Music in a non-commercial film, which is s.ein undefined audience, therefore depends not only friends, want to use?
I would almost give away and then produce the DVD.
(yes, I've used the search function)
Reply Markus:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Music for free non-commercial use in a film may be a mistake. It does not matter whether you earn money with a pirated copy or not.
That leaves only the scope of § 53 UrhG (Stichwort Privatkopie). Dabei berücksichtigt werden muss zudem der § 95a UrhG, which excludes the circumvention of copy protection.
Simply read times. ;-)
Reply muroshi:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
For example, in a trance. Many of the producers with security not as averse to last for, and whose music still bring a lot more "of emotions."
Because your taste in music is not confusing times with the public. I would find anything but great. And maybe you do not like post-rock synonymous. ;)
Reply siematic:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
here really are the secrets where to find gemafreiemusik.
db media:
-search on ebay -Of Sony Cinescore -bandinabox (with google search) -propellerheads reason with automatic patterns korg-karma add-straßenmusiker
Reply Michael D. Prior:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
add-straßenmusiker ?!?!?!
What's all this nonsense?
Reply Bernd E.:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
... What's that ?!... for nonsense The debate's been around here: http://forum.slashcam.de/gema-freie-musikseiten-gesucht-vp286051.html unfortunately the anonymous guest this nonsense has spread equal to several times in the forum.
Gruß Bernd E.
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