| Image quality
Question of frywa:
Hello forum people
I am about my zuzulegen an HDV camera. Question: Since I have) no capture card for HDV (Edius NX for HDV, I would have to be cut on DV. Then the image quality is better with HDV if I with a normal 3 Clips HOST DV Camera? Thank you for your Invirantionen.
Reply jabone:
No, the DV image quality is of HC1 / 3 be worse than the good 3ccd camcorder (GS280/300/500). But if you really just want to DV, I would recommend upgrading to the GS 300 odeer GS 500th Are you then cut the right solution ind have a couple of years, then certainly have been better HD-consumer solutions on the market than now (you ssicher realize that I am not a friendly HDV). If necessary, you can always sell your camcorder yet, but ultimately you must decide what you want. I have the GS 500 and make my films and so am very happy.
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