I wanted s.vergangenen weekend Short Film Project in 16:9 rotate. Had borrowed the camera (Panasonic HVX200) the Letterboxmodus set.
Now the whole ie in 16:9 letterbox format. I need the result as a true 16:9 video.
In Premiere CS3, the material well, just the visible area is still smaller than the "safe area" of the 16:9 screen, I suspect that is the top and bottom and right and left is a black border.
What must I do to figure out true 16:9? Is simple upscaling of the material? Or even nothing is needed next, because the edges in the TVs or do not appear there again somehow be scaled?
Antwort von Markus:
"matzeschroedi" wrote:
So ... I guess the top and bottom and right and left is a black border.
That's right. On a 16:9 television looks like this, as if you had a piece of the Picture zurückgezoomt, so that a broad s.allen pages (!) Black border is visible.
"matzeschroedi" wrote:
What must I do to figure out true 16:9? Is simple upscaling of the material?
If the material is progressive, then just upscaling. The material loses, of course quality, more or less visible depending on the tool.
If the material is interleaced, the fields are scaled either separately or it must be done prior to scaling a deinterlaces implemented.