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| Interwievs with transitions
Question of Ansha:
Hello dear community, I use Video Studio 9.0. I'm still quite inexperienced with the program or even with video editing.
To my problem: My project consists exclusively of Interwievs. This I have just cut to fit. Now let me make Übergnge. Since so much, I will talk with the classical approach (transition to pull the clip and is good :-)) is not successful, because people almost fall into the word confused and talking to the transition is complete. Synonymous already have the soundtrack separately, then war can not be synchronized. So next idea, a writer creates the image of the speaker and the Subsequent flows the clip. Again, no success. Is there a possibility of something like a break between clips to create the transitions so that no word salad plates? For most points in the Interwievs I had to cut so that no speech pause is out ... so unimportant and only the relevant reserve.
Do you have ne idea how I can solve?
S.euch Thanks in advance, sometimes love and greetings Ansha
Reply domain:
The larger problem would really cuts in during the interview when cutting out the unimportant passages incurred. How did you solve this? Technically must cut crossfades (if they already will) not necessarily at the same time, concern Picture and Sound. Harter cut the sound, the picture is softer synonymous possible, possibly using freeze the last image of the speaker or the first image after the speaker. Whether it looks good, however, you should test. Or, in between writing boards with names and personal details of the next speaker, or other images displayed directly before or after the interview or at all by the atmosphere (possibly synonymous of the audience) around.
Reply PowerMac:
Or you can make it as after midnight on RTL and Sat1.
Reply Ansha:
Hello thank you for the answers :-) @ Domain Yes I can imagine that it is synonymous mitm cutting to do. Hab s.gewünschter body set beginning and ending point. As written, many are cutting hard, because what was then talking is inappropriate. The idea with the freezing, I've already tried. Hab audio separately and then war net synchronously. Your idea with the correspondence between boards find ich super. That I have not ausprbiert. then I would have this little break in between and the transition could be introduced.
@ PowerMac :-)
Reply TomStg:
As a visual separation between the two sections are synonymous well short white panels of approximately 2-6 frames duration. This is simply presented with a white area on the timeline, according to a brief and again disappears.
Reply Ansha:
Tom Thanks for your tip :-)
If the video is now ready. Let's hope that when rendering and burning no problems.
Liebe Grüße Ansha
Reply Ansha:
Hello, here is a question. May I use the music in VideoStudio9 here is public use? The film will be burned on cd and is enclosed with a magazine. Or is this a problem or GEMA I have with Ulead in touch?
Lieber Gruß Ansha
Reply B.DeKid:
So where in the FAQ there is nothing like this (Gema), but an email s.die can not harm them or a phone call.
But I think that this material is free from GEMA.
MfG B. DeKid
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