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| Megaschwere Question
Question of Tuvok: Dezember 2009
is when one buys a DVD indeed a Mpg on it, I think, 4 gb or so for a film, only angenommenerweise
Now if you have encoded with a 800 MB Avi authort And yes, that synonymous then the square of 4 GB on a blank
between an original dvd and rip a DVD with 800 MB - one Avi - then after actually encoding a difference in quality?
or is not visible?
what are really the DVDs that were originally synonymous Avis - dvd rips, which will be encoded?
Reply masterseb:
so many words tangled s.einander gereit. how large a video file, depends from the quality of setting. are usually mpeg2 SMALLER than their source files, ie more compressed, which may, but need bring no loss of quality dignity. there is a quality standard 3: 90min, 120min, 180min. as many minutes to go to a 4.7gb SL rohling is therefore the quality. So naturally ton at 90min and best visual. hope this answers your question, at least in part. want to know what you still with the rip, I do not know. rip the video that is usually already converted and compressed. the dvd-vob format but is far more complex than pure compression.
Reply Jake the rake:
what are really the DVDs that were originally synonymous Avis - dvd rips, which will be encoded?
It's like with the egg and the hen. What came first? The DVD or the rip?
Reply masterseb:
? I my final format is DVD One, of course, is the content previously not been completed editiertbar and stuffed into a compressor before. rip says in the case only an end date, of dvd into a format computertaugliches not get ... without sacrificing quality, of course.
Reply Tuvok:
The data were previously synonymous avis?
Reply B.DeKid:
Yes or No.
It depends on it s.wie the film was rotated - and then he comes to a "copy center" which will make an Mpeg 2 for DVD from it.
DVDs originals but have almost always been about 8 GB
A DV AVI file is about 13GB at 1h
Die of you have mentioned RIP Avi files usually XVID or DIVX codec files - the quality of these films is, however, in recent years have improved.
You can create a Rip Avi synonymous back a DVD (Mpeg2) should - there are the Rip in good quality for the differences seen here hardly original.
MfG B. DeKid
Reply Tuvok:
8 no, and never, 3 to 4 GB maximum since there are many DVD 5 blanks, except for the long shoot, it is 7 - 8.5 maximum
Yes if you now take an avi that is a DVD and rip it on enkodierst a blank with 3.5 - 4 GB
And the same vergleixt with a DVD with the original 8 GB is not a different
I wonder why then has a 2 hours movie 8 Gb?
what do you mean with 13 GB? nix has 13 GB maybe Blu Ray but not DVD
13 GB match up yes no
At the Scenes what you mean by that exactly? Avi has only one 700 - 800 MB
Reply B.DeKid:
So again to write with .....
Purchase DVDs are bigger than 5 GB - always! AVI DV is 13GB per hour - if the copy works but gets a DV AVI, I do not think it will probably be a *. mov. Maybe it can work here in a copy center and nem's say, than what the movie where it exists.
A rip is not only have 700MB of synonymous can consist of 2 CDs and then JA is 1.4 GB.
Depending on the rip quality you can see "little" difference if one were to convert the AVI to MPEG2 DVD again. But that does not rip worth because almost all systems in the network no longer have the right Resolutionund thus fall out anyway.
So we shall get more questions now - if there ever was a time because of the thread name and the date of receipt posting is hardly what could be read out.
MfG B. DeKid
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