Hello Forum Friends, when the camcorder does not provide input for external mic has, it could be the O-Sound with a portable recorder, called synonymous Field Recorder, record. The synchronization can be later with the editing software right. I see the following problems with the recording here and ask whether man's simple and could do better: 1. Can camcorder (eg, Panasonic NV-GS320EG-S) and Momilrecorder ever linked together and communicate, so that you both start and stop it? Which connection would be questioned?
2. If not, how could you both "elegant" start and stop at the same time? Has someone an idea and this experience? Ideal would be a "trigger", which both controls. But how?
3. Even better, if the recorded sound the same and synchronously in the camcorder could source here ...
Regards Ramsi
Antwort von TMaekler:
If you do not Microphone / Line input, you can not synonymous in the camcorder source here ... The only method that remains for you:
Stone and cut in sync.
VLG Basti
Antwort von derpianoman:
"Flap" would of course be the best, original tool. Have you ever s.Start so what? In my experience, it is always easy for different Aufdioaufnahmen using the waveform view to synchronize. First, roughly, by a larger area hinschiebt correctly, and then always fine, until one frame is accurate.
Antwort von Ramsi:
Thank you, The answers confirm what I had feared, had only a "hidden" miracle hoped. There is therefore no way s.der flap over. Since I will probably tinker with a small door to the man with one hand can do, or perhaps synonymous's (do not laugh) a popping frog>> http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knackfrosch.
Well, the door is a bit cumbersome, since every time it must be folded early scene; and mobile recorder needs already running. While the mobile recorder (eg ZOOM H2) an auto-record function, so that it auto starts when the level exceeds a certain threshold (eg roar). For this purpose, unfortunately, since he synonymous unwanted ambient noise can start. The mobile recorder must either pass through (if the breaks are not long) or each time shortly before start of hand.
It is a pity that the microphone input for camcorders often is not included.
Antwort von derpianoman:
Ramsi Hello, it is not so bad! Have you viewed times waveforms? Normally they are so concise that you synchronize it easy can! This is not the synonymous so often do, it is always handy both devices through to the breaks and then afterwards rauszuschneiden. If you're still there're worried, then try's but try and schnalz (instead of popping frog) with the tongue. Or do both devices side by side and say loud "Test". Enough already ....
LG Klaus
Antwort von Ramsi:
Thank you Klaus for the encouragement, I will do's. I know the wave forms in Video Studio. You can still synonymous spread the timeline, because I have no concerns. Now can I prepare for Panasonic NV-GS320 determine buy mobile recorder a little later, because they are just coming and there are still doing something.
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