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| Music Maker
Question of umwelt:
quickly in advance: I am aware that the Magix Music Maker allows no compositional excellence, but I grübel to time, whether it is favorable, a few CDs with gema-free background music to buy, or software ...
What I need is simple but entertaining music without melodies ... Just as background accompaniment.
I had 10 years of private music lessons and I would have confidence with the software some things to produce audible ...
someone knows the software? would you prefer gema-free music CDs or prefer to buy software for self-production of music?
Reply Axel:
Salut Kilian, With "Sequel" Here
Reply umwelt:
hi axel, s.sich yes of course it would be cool ... but I have yet hardly over charcoal ... The projects will be made an honorary ... but it is open to the public.
music-maker würd cost 17 euro, ne old version ...
Reply Norge:
Hi Kilian, I have just a colleague of the Keys magazines, music and computer, get hired. In May 2006 booklet is a CD / DVD is with the Program Samplitude V8 SE. Perhaps you are trying to get the booklet (www.keys.de) I've got me so far only the demo and views of the possibilities was slain.
Many greetings! Norge
Reply umwelt:
Hi Kilian, I have just a colleague of the Keys magazines, music and computer, get hired. In May 2006 booklet is a CD / DVD is with the Program Samplitude V8 SE. Perhaps you are trying to get the booklet (www.keys.de) I've got me so far only the demo and views of the possibilities was slain.
Many greetings! Norge
incl possibility, save? How long is because the version is valid? gruß: kilian
Reply Gast7:
My personal experience: I have mm2006, plus sound pool dvd collection 12 (both cheap on ebay). Actually I find terribly Magix Program (immature, scrap Software in Comparison to Adobe, Microsoft, Sony, ... would be too long now ...) mm is no exception (huge, lame, installed without additional software corrosive ... ). But I have been searching and the other options are too expensive (Sonic Fire Pro + is still more SoundCDs to buy), at least for a few minutes 3bis10 amateur videos. If so I would need to earn money, Seeding's different. mm + sound pool (on the PC) is one of the cheapest solutions - and works. Have several movies with music background. Most makers with pre-produced song, then a little bit adjusted. Mm of disadvantage: the higher the claims, the more time will be adjusting. Have a similar musical background as you: a few years teaching tool, and then during the course sports a few more seminars rhythm / dance. Have synonymous Magix video & photo show Sound Pool 2005 (ie finished pieces of music). Draw mm but as far as possible, because much more flexible. Only when it's quite ready to be fast, I finished pieces on the back. Possibly. there are still alternatives to mm. But since I have not found out whether the song for something like Maker have ... and without which it's difficult and takes forever if you do not meet the Blues in the blood or you're musicians. Alternatively, maybe some low-cost-cutting programs, which cripples version of Sonic Fire bring: Ulead, Pinnacle, perhaps synonymous Avid Free DV (I do not know).
Reply umwelt:
Hi, a little frustrated I was to note that when you use of music, using samples of magix-created, necessarily of a logo in the magix video guy must install or on cd-cover print needs ...
've nothing against it, magix mention, but I would like themselves ... naja, provides freedom for me is different. so is the program for me has died.
'm dereit s.anvil-studio, but these midi music makes sooo not impressive ...
Reply helpme:
Yes exactly, your principal is fully styled freedom to the last logo ... But do not worry too much, the videos on your action-Environment Page not run anyway. Freedom, which I think is: scheiß on the logo.
Reply umwelt:
Yes exactly, your principal is fully styled freedom to the last logo ... But do not worry too much, the videos on your action-Environment Page not run anyway. Freedom, which I think is: scheiß on the logo.
If I have a small, simple and absolutely guy doing a totally distinctive logo must be installed, then that is disturbing. there had not polemical make.
Reply Daigoro:
For insignificant Gedudel for silent film dubbing, I find the SmartSound that Media Studio Pro 8 (about 150 Euros) is not at as bad. The 7er's version remains in the crate already around 30 euros, but I do not know if there SmartSound already installed.
Since you are not synonymous in embarrassment, his own Musikkuenste Midifizieren to have. (Midi * can * be in-appropriate instruments, samples and much of the idea of matter-very good to listen .. but mostly rather not).
Reply umwelt:
looks like because with music from a professional software? must be given after use of internal samples synonymous with a graphic-published?
I still ask myself: should I have created music using samples drawn synonymous under creative commons license provide? I always have to write that the people who use music only if they are synonymous in their productions which involve magix-logo ... brings so much ...
other question: do you do your own samples?
Reply Norge:
Hi Kilian, so save your own mess to be possible. This is a full version no demo. You will need to register only version.
Many greetings! Norge
Reply steveb:
perhaps another tipp ...
Tummel you look at the whole mp3 pages, with Music of the artists are free GEMA and whose music you can download for free. As a rule, give a lot of where your music synonymous for low-budget productions or Non Commercial ago. And a mention in the credits is synonymous for many reward ... questions for free!
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