I would like to create a logo which is an explosion in individual particles dissolve and then re-assembled from the individual particles.
But I do not know how I can do that. With Adobe After Effects, would still be possible?
That's not there any guidance on the subject because I have read the instructions, but there is only brief descriptions are listed, and no concrete examples?
Had already once a website where such an effect was shown, but I can not remember exactly remember.
Would be grateful for reply.
Antwort von Jörg:
Hi, AE is certainly a good tool for such things. The possibilities are few. Describe the not so simple. Just try the following tutorial http://forums.creativecow.net/cgi-bin/page_wrapper.cgi?forumid=2&page=http://www.creativecow.net/articles/eriksson_emanuel/sand/index.html here is a very "useful" way is described. Very well suited to pixels of Cycore Polly, but I do not know if it's the plug in there at all. The particle emitter AEpro in conjunction with open letters masks as "wall" you can also use it. Gruß Jörg