we have our Sorenson of 4.0 (the NIE has made trouble) updated to 4.5. Since then, the quality of each film taken out more than modest after. Check out the times Beispielbil s.and says what you think. Again noting: EVERY movie looks like afterwards, no preference which codec (FLV I admittedly have not tried). Many greetings
Antwort von otzelot:
Looks as would be 1 half was discarded and the other duplicated ...
In this way, many programs to convert the Field Order, check times if the Field Order of the starting material of the encoding setting of Sorenson equivalent.
Antwort von Wolff Cutter:
According to my information is correct everything. It's the same with presets which we Sorenson 4.0 since nem year very well could work. Thanks anyway for the fixed response
Antwort von otzelot:
Can you find a short Beispielclip of uncompressed material where upload? Then I can with the check against our 4.5.
Antwort von Wolff Cutter:
"Anonymous" wrote:
Can you find a short Beispielclip of uncompressed material where upload? Then I can with the check against our 4.5.
Good idea, but I must first clarify with the Chiefs! Also, I am just completely krepiert XP. Say I have a complete backup. This happens every time I try Sorenson only de-and re-install! At first, I still held for a chance!
Antwort von Wolff Cutter:
It turns out that we already had defective raw material, which is not synonymous in every player looked good. Now I have a small problem and Chen namely: Sometimes the videos after conversion into Sorenson too bright There is no workaround with the new filter, but the reason I would be interested times.
Antwort von drechsler:
Wrong color space would be a possibility.
Antwort von Wolff Cutter:
Is a good approach, but it seems to happen almost randomly. For us, any video with the same settings in Avid purely synonymous and back out. And some seem to Sorenson to "swallow". But not just once but every time with this file!
Antwort von Sten:
I am relatively sure that it is not s.Sorenson ... latest AVID codecs are outside it, and when AVID synonymous always export the same color selected (RGB or 601)?
Antwort von Wolff Cutter:
601 installed and everything! As mentioned, the Quicktime see properly out of the conversion until after the films are bleached!
Antwort von Sten:
"Wolff Cutter" wrote:
601 installed and everything! As mentioned, the Quicktime see properly out of the conversion until after the films are bleached!
With what you play the files from? It makes a difference even synonymous to what the color decoder s.PC represents.
Schonmal the encoded files in the waveform monitor reviewed?
Antwort von Wolff Cutter:
I play both file types in the QT player. waveform monitor, I have not made it synonymous must admit that this is a Bohemian village for me;)
Antwort von Sten:
Why do not you like mal ne 'Sharing für nen' demo clip type;)
Or encode a test image, and upload the file again as a source and as a highly encoded file, then you can look at this.
Antwort von Wolff Cutter:
Will I make, I can but only one and a half weeks in drum care, because I leave in a wohlverdeinten go;)