Hi, can anyone help? Last night I had almost finished a video project and - as always saved - pds in one file. When trying to open it, to continue the Project, although all the media loaded into the project, but before loading the data time axis, then comes strangely at first time load the message: "Title: 'scrollup'" (that's one of me used in scene transitions) and immediately afterwards: "PowerDirector.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close."
Can we (the project file, and yes there about 340 KB in size) is somehow "repair"? And if so - how?
Antwort von steveb:
creates the program may automatically backup? same file name with another extension?
Antwort von prem:
Thanks for the idea - but it is unfortunately not the solution! I've seen all of it or not again (starting almost entirely of) the front and then all the caches while my project fitted with a different name, so that not even the whole (if synonymous whistle goes wonderfully current) Project!
Antwort von Markus:
"Erich" wrote:
... and then all the caches while my project with a different name provided ...
Hi Erich,
this is an approach that has proven itself synonymous with me (see Final Cut work 3 hours away?). - For damage you will just smart. ;-)
Antwort von Malle:
just me it happens all the time that I cut a few students, again and again under a new name and save s.nächsten day, none of the files work ....
Antwort von Markus:
Since then, however, raises the serious question of what is going on?
Antwort von Malzmann:
Hi folks.
Should it have been? Just sitting with a friend. Also it can not open the pds file. Once the timeline data to be loaded depends on, and everything explodes. WHAT IS DA LOS? The file is corrupted? It does not appear in any case. It is only following "No Response"