I have the Panasonic GS320 filmed in 16:9. After Capture In Magix video screen shows everything in 4:3, so "egg heads".
Can I teach Magix (if necessary, before the capture) that I will offer him 16:9. Can I do with "new film" (or elsewhere) is somehow a format mitgeben info?
What happens in this issue 16:9 material on a 4:3 TV? I have since again "egg heads", the left and right missing something or do I have above and below the black bars?
Basic questions: the matter is quite new for me and I consider whether I prefer always the same principle in the film should be 4:3.
... maybe someone can help me? Danke schon mal.
Antwort von Markus:
"Ralf" wrote:
After Capture In Magix video screen shows everything in 4:3, so "egg heads".
Hi Ralf,
when did you possibly capturing the default is set to 16:9? Was the material in a 16:9 project imported? Are there might be able, as a video manual 16:9 switching (right click on a scene, pixel aspect ratio, etc.)?
"Ralf" wrote:
What happens in this issue 16:9 material on a 4:3 TV?
That depends on what playback device of the shots coming. A DVD player know, for example, in the event of a discrepancy between the contents of a DVD-Video and the formats of the connected TV to do. There you can choose whether you prefer to have black bars left and right, or something to be truncated.
"Ralf" wrote:
the matter is quite new for me and I consider whether I prefer always the same principle in the film should be 4:3.
Experiment with 16:9 calm down a little and create a short test project. Play the capturing, processing and training and playing a short film by completely and find out if everything works reibunglos. Then you're on the secure page.
Avoid practicable, 16:9 and 4:3 mix to get it! This would always be a loss of quality for that format to follow, which needs to be adapted.
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