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| Purchase Recommendation Xte
Question of Optiker: Juni 2006
I would like to leave you a bit of advice. the more I am here in the forum browse, the more I am undecided as regards the purchase of a new camcorders. I am a few weeks, I would like to keep the father and child to develop my images in motion. furthermore, I would like the camera in the synonymous use vacation or other freizeitaufnahmen.allerdings I would like not in 20 years dadrüber be annoyed that I put the wrong s.der've saved. price times the total volume should not exceed the 800 ¬. you can make from these detailsfull already a recommendation? onlineshop and what would be recommended?
Many thanks in advance MFG
Reply oliver II:
Hello Opticians
I can not quite understand your question about a purchase recommendation, for cameras of all price ranges and areas of application were discussed in full detail here, and I think that any further comments you would only confuse next.
On the subject onlineshop you can even time to read the following thread (including redirecting links) http://forum.slashcam.de/onlineversand-eg-electronics-vt37145.html?highlight =
Why does everyone only buys online ???????
Reply Markus:
Why does everyone only buys online yet? Video cameras, I've never bought online. Why synonymous? To save 40 ¬, but to wait 3 weeks for delivery to do so? - Nope, I'd rather go to the dealer I trust. ;-)
More info: Online-Shop digitale Camcorders Recommendation?
Hinsichtlich der Kaufempfehlung für Camcorders schließe ich mich der Meinung of Oliver an. In den letzten Tagen wurde wirklich viel geschrieben and die Anwendungsgebiete (Familie, Urlaub) sind irgendwie synonymous immer die gleichen.
Mach' Dir eine Liste with Ausstattungsmerkmalen, die Dir wichtig sind. Dann schaue, welcher Camcorders möglichst viele Deiner Wünsche erfüllt.
Lies dazu synonymous die folgenden Beiträge: " Instructions for the purchase of a camcorder ... course for beginners "
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