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| Question about a Animierungsaufgabe
Question of Lindow: September 2010
Hi, I have to solve the following problem and would like to do with Final Cut Pro and Motion: 1 Recording using a road trip: the camera looks toward the back of a moving car. The drawing - straight-Strasse fießt "backwards and brings such a deep picture (as if you look out the car rear window, but without the window). This is the basic Ebene.2. Is on this road a group of people . These figures run is recorded separately - static-figures, which were cut with Motion "." So this is a stand-alone level (File) -
3rd These two levels are now to be joined together, with the result that the static figures move across the street.
This raises two Hauprprobleme: 1st The need Fguren - fluent, continuous small-ever, be aware the camera from the first recording site (start of the street away).
2nd The static figures should be put in motion (credible).
I have since been trying a lot but really is not credible that is. (If you see a trick, we let the better)
If you know or filter behavior in Motion, which are helpful for this (so far I have used "crystallize, forming, high pass, earthquake, wiggle).
Thanks for good information. I do not have After Effects or Shake.
Reply Axel:
Motion can be controlled very well next to the x-and y-axis synonymous the z-axis. That means in this case, "3D". I do not sit in front, but it works on the tool "New Camera", with the camera you position, Focal, movement, etc., definierst. This ends my knowledge, everything else you find in online tutorials or the manual.
Also, I know: Your people are exempted 3D in the sense that there are cardboard cutout: you have to offer only the front (Rex from Toy Story in 3-D Trailer complains: "But I'm only in 2D - how embarrassing!") . S.Gelenken how to animate a puppet, would certainly be possible, but first it would not photorealistic, the second would have been a little more AAE CS5 Puppetmaster tools. Third, you had people actually on the polygon (wireframe model form), kneading, holding what Programs are responsible, which I know only by hearsay (Maya with a dozen plug-ins?). Fourth, already the details would * only * for the passing street (to say nothing of the people) so burdensome that, well, a long upcoming winter would be no terror for you anymore.
Reply Lindow:
Hello Axel,
Your reference to the long winter is apt, I have to grin but that's good.
With this camera, I have yet operating difficulties. Thus I have ever tried but it did not work so well. Random repeat successes, I could not because everything responds so quickly.
Everything else in Motion now works pretty well, especially stabilize the smoothing in the behavior (calming of the trips).
By the way I have in the meantime the Calculator and Final Cut Pro and Motion set up a completely new and updated sowaftware-now I'm synonymous correct representation ads in Motion
In the particular case, I'm already aware something. The task described is the way, do not create any real movement. How do you write that is synonymous, if at all with great effort was there with verbunden.Ich Überbelndungen in FCp and partial filters and behavior in Motion (every bit of work). In the final stage the whole synonymous with different coverage is provided, so no messy little visible.
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