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| Question about image scaling
Question of the_flasher: August 2007
Hello, finally I could afford me a camera and although the HV20. I am particularly interested in how well the camera with bluescreen shots for them and how the post is.
I have previously heard that it may be worthwhile until the HDV material to DV Resolutionzu scale and then to edit, because it is the same number s.Farbinformationen on a smaller area and thus has the better Bluscreeneffekt achievable.
Now I wanted to know whether something is and if so, how to act in something. Say there is a program which for a scaled or do I have until the video into individual frames and then decompose runterskalieren?.
Would be glad if someone could help me, is already longer the last times I've reingeschaut here.
Gruss theflasher
Reply Bernd E.:
... ... HV20 HDV material to DV only Resolutionzu scale ... Say there is a program which for a scaled Whether it bluescreen shots brings something, I do not know, but for the conversion of HDV to DV, you need no extra software: This can be your internal camera and the video it has a DV output.
Gruß Bernd E.
Reply sonjas:
hmmm, maybe someone still ne idea?
So I think it brings something, because more color on the same surface should bring something.
But vll. you know of a more
Gruss theflasher
Reply mov:
Think not, because:
the material in 4:1:1 or 4:2:0 will be, and then as much information as of a good DV camera remains because of the extra information not in the HDV DV left. The specifications of DV can not do more than 1 / 4 of the color information for Luminanzauflösung left.
Other solution: in HDV Chromakey to perform, and then down (by video editing software - Final Cut, Premiere, etc). Then the advantage of the higher Resolutionbeim Chromakey applied, and by the Herunterskalierung are the quirks in HDV (synonymous 4:1:1 or 4:2:0) or building no longer appears less dramatic.
Reply PowerMac:
From a 4:2:0 - HDV picture quality, you can scale down a 4:2:2-SD-10-bit Picture-making.
Reply david2:
In my opinion, is not the bluescreen key color good but the total resolution of fine gradations s.den edge to guarantee. The overall result will be improved when runterskalieren (color bleeding ect.). Therefore, for example-Bluescreen Closes (Portaitaufnahmen) times the camera like 90 ° rotated to obtain maximum Resolutionzu (in the Postprodunktion back again).
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