Was on the verge of buying a camcorders, and towards long ago, I'll probably end up with Panasonic, though fan really old Sony. (I hope I do not regret it later ...) But now my question.
I erziehlt, results from my old Hi8 SonyVT500 time, very good shake, With the highly geklapt viewfinder, and while my body is bent over the Kammera Now I videography times s.ruhigsten. Can you fold in the models 400 and Pana-Pana250 the viewfinder? (The 150s can be the viewfinder only herrausziehen but nich fold up).
And the second question, it's worth, the more output of around 500 ¬ for the 400 instead of 250?
Thanks in advance for your answers ...
Antwort von Jörg:
(User Above) wrote:
: Hello Pan.freunde, : Arise shortly before buying a camcorders, and towards long ago, I probably would : End up with Panasonic, though fan really old Sony. (I hope I do not regret it : No later ...) But now my question. : I erziehlt, results from my old Hi8 SonyVT500 time, very good shake, : With the high geklapt viewfinder, and while my body bent over the Kammera : Now I videography times s.ruhigsten. : Can you fold in the models 400 and Pana-Pana250 the viewfinder? (In 150s : Can the viewfinder only herrausziehen but nich fold up). : And the second question, it's worth, the more output of around 500 ¬ for the 400 instead : Of the 250? : : Thanks already now for your answers ...
Hello Francis, yes, the two Panasonics have a flip-up viewfinder. If it's worth the extra effort you yourself have to decide on the 400 there are more manual settings and it has a few more megapixels. I opted for the 250s. Greeting Jörg
Antwort von wolfgang:
(User Above) wrote:
: Hi Frank, : Yes, the two Panasonics have a flip-up viewfinder. Whether the extra effort : You yourself have to decide is worth in the 400 there are more manual settings : And she has a few more megapixels. I opted for the 250s. : Greetings : Jörg
Some of the test data is better than 250 of the 400. For instance, the lowlight of Conduct in the 250s in the tests came out better than in the 400s.
Major limitation of the 250s are more likely to actually just about to reach Controls menu - the 250 is making more sense for someone who wants to anyway almost always shoot with the automatic modes. If you want more manual controls, will probably not take more likely to 250s.
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