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Frage an die Praktiker: Kallibrierte Monitore - wirklich nötig?

Question s.die practitioners: Kallibrierte Monitors - really necessary?

Frage von KrischanDO:
September 2008


as a professional stills hobbyist, I have kallibrierte monitors with measuring probe, visual inspection and the appropriate light, half-tuned to the lab that prints for the exhibition makes.
Because yes, I see the prints and can compare ...

In the pictures, which the agencies are sold, is completely unclear who is where as on the medium prints, and I see results eh 'never.
Since I have a picture give the effect that the technical all-over requirements, and hope that no Total Honk arrange the rest.
In the print area is indeed one with a 1000, - Moni is a good one, everything is rather drüber cult for the printing.

I wonder now: Is this 4,000 - Euro - video monitors, and blessed kallibriert for DV editing? When one thinks s.das final product, the margin of play situations but gigantisch:
- Their grandmother (or synonymous our 17 years old) tube, where the evening sun it seems
- The 120 "-Strunz Glotze
- Everything that a PC monitor is called
- Mobile phones
- Projectors
. etc. ..

Okay, but you have the best technical fit-to-all-average production, but it is since the last 30 Kelvin and 5% for gamma?

The real background to this question is: Should I still buy the synonymous, when I once half-seriously wants?


Antwort von B.DeKid:

Gude unless you have a good monitor, you have the photos can be used, then you can use the "correct" continue to take.

B. DeKid

Antwort von PowerMac:

http://forum.slashcam.de/viewtopic.php?p=292780 # 292780
http://forum.slashcam.de/viewtopic.php?p=303524 # 303524


Antwort von B.DeKid:

OT: @ Powermac

How can I link s.eine certain point in a thread?

Antwort von PowerMac:

Click on Then he jumps s.die body of the message, copy the URL, and you're done.

Antwort von KrischanDO:

"PowerMac" wrote:


Sir, yess, sir!

Thanks for the info. Conclusion: Actually, I should, but it goes without erstmal synonymous.


Antwort von newsart:

That's my opinion, depends on how and for whom you worked. If you have a finished product abgibst, nobody will ask how the color correction being unable to come. It is important that the color no unusual errors or jumps aufweist.

If you do the customers with s.Schnittplatz sit, you will be responsible for the decrease possibly a reference monitor (Class A and properly calibrated) require. Since then sees as synonymous with some of the difference to the semi normaken PC monitor. And that makes sure synonymous in the daily rate for the average space utilization noticeable ....

Antwort von B.DeKid:

Thanks Powermac @ =

Antwort von domain:

"newsart" wrote:

If you have a finished product abgibst, nobody will ask how the color correction being unable to come. It is important that the color no unusual errors or jumps aufweist.

The "calibrate" my 40W2000 Sony Monitor (1920-pixel-accurate representation it via HDMI) has looked, that I first times many TV programs on the existing tuner so synonymous viewed to have a sense of getting what is an average of the stations in terms of color and neutrality across.
Over time, I had the feeling of being in the service technicians reserved Firmwarefarbkorrekturen this device need to intervene.
And then again, it was more a question of other potential vote in the PC http://www.belle-nuit.com/testchart.html the test chart to realize.
There is everything described exactly what it takes

Antwort von KrischanDO:

"newsart" wrote:
That's my opinion, depends on how and for whom you worked. If you have a finished product abgibst, nobody will ask how the color correction being unable to come. It is important that the color no unusual errors or jumps aufweist ....

The first will probably be a couple of music videos for a tape, a few musicians and a sports club to be. That should be no high-end color through. When it works, there are a few lascivious woman rides on long legs on for the Web - is so synonymous. ;-)

Then I'll look next.


Antwort von MacPro:

"KrischanDO" wrote:
But there since the past 30 Kelvin and 5% for gamma?

No, because in contrast to "the Picture" in the field of moving images (SD and HD), not even such basic questions were how the wiedergabeseitige gamma, white level (maximum white) and ambient (light) conditions. These are simply not defined!

Antwort von domain:

Short and good, sündteure calibrated CRT monitors are now a relic from the history of the NL-editors.
Have the latest cut in squares Avid Symphony seen and of course there were no more CRTs to see me would be very surprised synonymous

Antwort von PowerMac:

Quark. There are next and the CRTs are still the reference for HDTV.
The posters include: self-evident are white values, ambient light and color temperature and gamma for HDTV defined.

Antwort von domain:

My favorite is synonymous monitor a 24 "Trinitron for Photoshop and synonymous my favorite TV is a big old CRT.
But a substitute for this technology, we hardly even get.
CRT is passé, SED would be superior, but not for cost reasons in the corridors and OLED screen stuck still in its infancy and is synonymous of the size seen ;-)
Laser is indiskutabel because as a cathode ray Stressing on a surface, so we hope for the future with new and bright prospects

Antwort von Isekram:


Means to determine the deviation from the original!

Adjust: Is correction of the calibration.

And now thinking! Then act!

Antwort von Medienproduktion:

zum Bild We are working with a calibrated Diamondtron CRTs. Special video monitors mE hardly make any sense!

Antwort von MacPro:

"PowerMac" wrote:

The posters include: self-evident are white values, ambient light and color temperature and gamma for HDTV defined.

Then please tell me where. And I do not expect any link to Wikipedia or movie-college.de but a one of the SMPTE standards bodies, ITU, or who else with generally accepted standards.

Since you're so pretty much with the material here from here, certainly tells you something Charles Poynton. If you do not believe me, then maybe it:

"PowerMac" wrote:
Quark. There are next and the CRTs are still the reference for HDTV.

Incidentally Sonyhat their Class1 monitors now converted to LCDs. To my knowledge, they are synonymous in this segment no longer produces tubes.

Antwort von robbie:

"MacPro" wrote:
Incidentally Sonyhat their Class1 monitors now converted to LCDs. To my knowledge, they are synonymous in this segment no longer produces tubes.

But they do. as the BVM A32E1WM. A great part. For the corresponding price.

"MacPro" wrote:
Then please tell me where. And I do not expect any link to Wikipedia or movie-college.de but a one of the SMPTE standards bodies, ITU, or who else with generally accepted standards.

I am not Powermac, but you may link to a following EBU paper type, I am sure that he is synonymous in meaning is PowerMacs.

Antwort von MacPro:

"robbie" wrote:

I am not Powermac, but you may link to a following EBU paper type, I am sure that he is synonymous in meaning is PowerMacs.

User requirements for Video Monitors in Television Production

Die Quelle genügt deinen Ansprüchen hoffentlich, and ich denke dass all deine Fragen bezüglich Gamma, Black,... beantwortet werden.

An diese Richtlinien der EBU haben sich grundsätzlich alle Broadcastanstalten zu halten.

Tja. Dieses Paper ist mir wohlbekannt and trägt ja geradezu dazu bei die Problematik aufzuzeigen:
1. Wo wird dort etwas über die Umgebungsbedingungen geschrieben? Wie hell darf es denn nun sein, beim Betrachten des Bildes? Welche Farbtemperatur hat das Umgebungslicht? (No triviale Frage, da der sRGB Standard z.B. D50(!) vorschreibt) Auf welche Leuchtdichte setz ich nun das Maximalweiß?
Das Paper schweigt sich dazu aus!

2. Richtlinie ist keine Festlegung, hast du deinen BVM-A32E1 tatsächlich auf ein Gamma of 2,35 gesetzt? Kann man das überhaupt (Das Manual schweigt sich dazu aus)? Glaube ich dieser Quelle (http://www.displaymate.com/ShootOut_Part_2.htm)hält sich Ikegami nicht s.die EBU Richtlinie, ebenso Sonywith seinen PVM-Monitoren.
das www-Kosortium ebenso: (http://www.w3.org/Graphics/Color/sRGB) The ITU-R BT.709 transfer function in combination with its target monitor is attempting to achieve a viewing gamma of 1.125 by incorrectly assuming a CRT gamma of 2.5 and s.LUT gamma of 1.0/2.222 s.shown in the equation below. The justification of a viewing gamma value of 1.125 is described below in the section on viewing environment compensation.

illustration (0.3)

Using the actual power function fit value for the 709 transfer function of 1.0/1.956 and maintaining the display gamma of 1.125, we can solve for the ideal target monitor gamma of 2.2. This is consistent with the CRT gamma value proposed in this paper. "

3.Nochmal back zum EBU Paper: "It is believed that a nominal value of 2:35 is appropriate. "Sounds not exactly according to a fundamentally-solid determination

4. Last but not least: When did anyone here ever since a gamma of 2.35 as a reference value suggested playback? PowerMac at least:
"PowerMac" wrote:
It is often synonymous forget the gamma set correctly. 2.2 is correct for HDTV and PAL.

Silly thing somehow ...

Antwort von PowerMac:

Sure, gamma is 2.2 to 6500 Kelvin.

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