Quick to own Star Wars introof rudi - 23 Nov 2007 12:44:00 Anyone who owns a Mac and quickly became a pompous (as well stolen) Movie Intro for your own epic film will want to necessarily look at the freeware SWTSG V1.0.1 try. This made after the input of a few fictitious data (useigene production company, gear rental, etc.) a BMP sequence after the complete Star Wars Intro, including various logos. Nice gimmick for free, for a quick gag in between ...
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Antwort von bart:
Is there a similar program for Windows synonymous?
Antwort von DWUA:
@ Upon
... but everything has been such a long beard, eg
www.theforce.net / Fanfilm / post production / crawl / opening.asp
... like the sandals of Moses Tut abgelatscht are.
Antwort von Norge:
moin, Why do you favor an extra tool? I've just been with my editing program made. Selberbasteln synonymous makes so much more fun!