may remove it to me with what program can I say in a normal 16:9 video, the black stripes above and below?
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
This happened on several occasions here.
Did you blow up around 16:9 to 4:3? VHS videos? Lassessein.
Or do you want a Selbstgedrehtes 16:9 - Video on the Internet gecropped (abgeschnitten. .. search "Publish CROP"). There are various tools. But then the other must take drastic action.
Antwort von Wesne:
It will then no longer be in a standardized format bsp nem dvdfilm from 1024 * 512 the black stripes are to be cut out after that he has about a resolution of 1024 * 440
Antwort von Gast 0815:
Whether it is depends on the desired final format. Avi files in the example is not a problem with DVD / SVCD, but you are bound s.The predetermined Resolutions. Would be helpful if you would inform us of your desired format or the "purpose of the exercise" ...
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von prem:
If a normal avi xvid w3erden So ne synonymous must be run only on the pc
Antwort von Wesne:
hat jemand ne ahnung with what program do I need?
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
Antwort von Wesne:
I can now cut off the split with only one video - but I knew the schreifen nich
can you tell me how? I can not find the functional
now, but it adds a further problem of the Southbound I can explain to me the filter only when I take full processing mode But this is going to be damn great because the cropping is somewhat synonymous with direct stream copy?