I am looking angagierte leute in Heidelberg / Mannheim and surroundings. I have previously worked with friends, with their opinions about movies but I do not agree. so I am looking for people angagierte the lustful, the ambition and the filming can bring.
for more information write to s.the.joker1 @ @ gmx.de s.contact or eye-frame.net
I thank you in advance for all the reported
Antwort von PowerMac:
In Karlsruhe governs the PowerMac. The Runner and is always looking for helpers.
Antwort von rtzbild:
The first film can not download at the 2nd will "chase" written differently ...
Hold power again.
LG Olli
Antwort von PowerMac:
Please what?
Antwort von JMitch:
What makes you such before? What age? I live near of Stuttgart. "c.wolfinger @ gmx.de"
Antwort von JMitch:
I would be synonymous "But an exciting chase starts" instead of "A thrilling chase begins" to write ;-)
Antwort von *the.jokeR*:
"Anonymous" wrote:
I would be synonymous "But an exciting chase starts" instead of "A thrilling chase begins" to write ;-)
wow cool that you are about other people can make fun =) freu dich and buy yourself NEN lolli you've really helped dankbarsei * *
Antwort von catchafire:
Powermac, show us what you've already done great that you are entitled to the throne of karlsruhe collect
Have you actually end up with a share of the FSC requested? It actually pays those exorbitant licensing fees for the DVD logo? And it allowed the Dolby Digital logo? And who gave you the EAN assigned?
I think as long as its in your free time, because you can print out what you want. But as on the Internet, I find something frivolous. Are a bunch of lawyers who have nothing better to do than on such things anzuspringen. Especially as your website gives the impression that you want to commercially exploit.
Antwort von catchafire:
what koschten the dvd logo?
Antwort von AndyZZ:
"catchafire" wrote:
what koschten the dvd logo?
Guggst here:
For video DVDs is $ 5000 U.S.
Antwort von Gast für DWUA:
* * @ The.jokeR
"Traveler" has with the pursuit of the "but" absolutely right! Is it "but" a business card inside your (your) Homepage. But not only an expression of weakness, but simple spelling mistakes (4 in just 6 lines) are not advertising.
For a website, the "perfect" should be! Please click back again to, for example:
Description of "codename11" at http://films.eye-frame.net
If you s.deiner (your) school is not the book to find the "DUDEN" it is outside, try something in a library in high-Dell Burgh.
The design of the web site of itself is not bad parents! Respect :-))