Frage von Mantis:Hi everyone,
I have the following problem:
I created a composition (; D1 DV 16 / 9) and on my Picture Fractal disorder with smoke filled.
Looks great in the AE Preview.
If I export metarial now and with a codec configuration looks simply terrible. The individual steps in the gamma smoke are clearly highlighted and the picture is not as easy usable. Uncompressed it is too wonderful for use but with no more codecs.
I am well aware that smoke and codecs in general are a complicated story but is there ANY possibility to create the material in a condensed version?
I used the following export settings (; see attachments)
Does it make more sense to provide eigtl. from the material directly in AE with a codec or to export it uncompressed and then encode to?
Thank you
By the way, are the codecs with which I wanted to play eigtl. either been or h264 jpeg2000 ...
Antwort von Mylenium:
Does it make more sense to provide eigtl. from the material directly with a codec in AE Of course it is never as good as with external tools - AE writes the frames so only as they come in for rendering, so it can make no general analysis of multiple frames of time. Seen in external coders are better. Your problem might be but rather due to inadequate settings in the export modules. And of course - the combination is already s.sich dangerous. Fine structures and semi-transparency generate extra time now and many fine artefacts deien colors are adjusted if not before, the encoder converts the wrong of course. In addition, H.264 & Co. 8 bit, it will never look like 1:1 AE in 16bit or 32bit.