| Spelling Basics
Question of Pianist: Juli 2009
--- Indicative of admin: coming of here ---
Very stupid question time: Would not it be quite good, when you first time with the basics of spelling, which separately-and in coupling of punctuation and familiarize doing before you produce movies? One does not really work without the other.
Reply Mink:
He seeks to correct 2-3 dedicated people to his letters! Uhh ...
Reply Mink:
But sometimes without crap! Can you tell me the time to show unconditional correlation between the production of Shooting and write properly.
If one is to the team of the not quite on it but has a creative and / or organizational genius is ... I will not throw because of his false commas.
Reply Pianist:
If one is to the team of the not quite on it but has a creative and / or organizational genius is ... I will not throw because of his false commas. Yes, but he is indeed "a team", but obviously the mastermind. So he has to keep correspondence with the outside world, like here with us, for example. And everything that is directed outward, it must be error free. Without this absolute precision can be synonymous not produce films that meet certain quality requirements. We can then write an invitation to the premiere of synonymous or no press release, without the readers, and readers are under the table. Articles with errors now come times in the media industry is not good at all. In the editorial, it is customary to edit sowas with hanging s.das black and red pencil on board.
To say nothing of faulty pre-and video discs, or other writing Advertisement in the film. At the latest, if someone should cut because of an undetected typo 25,000 printed DVD cover or 25,000 DVDs pressed into the barrel and re-produce at their own expense, he will realize that everything does have something to do with each other.
Reply Shiranai:
Why do you actually ever having to lay down complete strangers, whether they are able to make films or not - and that rhymes with you together on the basis of their one measly post in a forum?
In a real film crew director and producer have nothing to do sometime anyway just with movie titles, video discs and press releases. And this team he is trying to establish precisely ...
On the basis of his name I would also not necessarily assume that he grew up with German. And drafted her time such a post in another language, then I want to see how many times have errors in it s.end.
Reply Zizi:
Again the stupid manifestations of rechstschreibfehler! looks you in another forum for these discussions and wear what endweder relating to, or let it remain! It is understood everything he says is the umd .. whether large or lowercase, or false, -. etc. It is perfectly no preference!
Hello s.alle film enthusiasts out there!
I'm Timor, a young, leidenschaf of Filmmakers, who together with his crew looking for new talent to mutiviert just as enthusiastic about the creative and producing movies are like us.
At the moment everything is s.Start still quite far and we are looking for those who are interested in building s.Basisgeruest with the production company. We are looking for 2 to 3 more people, can undertake the responsibility over, creative, take initiative and with like, add it to the team.
Main tasks are the organizational issues around the film.
Currently we are working s.einem feature film that will go to the beginning or middle of next year in the Pre - Production. Another Short - Film in Australia for Australian Film Festival is a consideration but not yet with firm date set.
We are looking for people with experience in film and the interest to learn more and have success with shooting on film festivals.
A combined meeting of all interested parties will be held in the first week of September, in stock s.ersten Saturday the 5.09.09, in Freiburg. I ask only to stay within a radius of 300 nszu all, because everything else is too far away to work intensively s.einer production.
If interested, please register via email back to me. wtimor2000@yahoo.de
You all have a good time and good luck for other projects.
Timor Witt Is that with or without pay? Which films, script? Australia sounds interesting .. I was there, a buddy of the SAE for Film + TV makes the degree I am going to visit in the coming months .. Maybe you could even get into the compound? ;-)
Reply PowerMac:
Zizi you check, nothing. Example: Zizi make a film and can be pressed DVDs. Unfortunately, a misspelling is on the cover. So, the Zizi make everything new presses at its expense. The entire profit is gone. So rather learn the spelling of Zizi for the next film.
Reply Zizi:
Zizi you check, nothing. Example: Zizi make a film and can be pressed DVDs. Unfortunately, a misspelling is on the cover. So, the Zizi make everything new presses at its expense. The entire profit is gone. So rather learn the spelling of Zizi for the next film. It is clear that of you again so kommmt a stupid message! I have written in the last 7 days, 10,000 words without error .. (; Thesis) I think the last Uhreinwohner 1 word of thanks to German spelling programs and Internet can write correctly on a DVD .. in a forum like here, where every 2nd thread in a dispute of Apple vs.. PC or spelling ends need not be surprised if many more garnicht come in here .. Thanks to people like you and others. ! So be glad that the Mac you mend the mistakes and let others in peace and carry on what Relating to!
Reply PhilippT:
Clearly should be on a DVD cover, but no spelling sowas can naturally occur in synonymous professionals. And before I'd let zb who print, I'd have it read of 10,000 people ...
Have recently discovered in the video store where a cover was a mistake on it. (but unfortunately not know the title)
mfg Philipp
Reply hock jürgen:
S.end important is what comes out as a movie. For a good film you do not need a diploma.
Reply shodushitanaka:
Printing errors on the DVD cover = cover scheisse, scheisse content, Directing scheisse, scheisse film .... hach, and even ... the whole life shit.
Very stupid question time: Would not it be quite good, when you first time with the basics of spelling, which separately-and in coupling of punctuation and familiarize doing before you produce movies? One does not really work without the other.
Matthias Good detected, very, very stupid question. He should in fact focus on making movies again instead become familiar with basics of spelling and the other left to (; Or do not you trust him) at the outset of this intelligence?
Apparently, it bothers some, if they have to read spelling errors, but ye can imagine that it is just as disgusting to see how someone so unnecessary daherklugscheisst? Here-And-Da-Menschenverbesserer? Your cigar box world-view "One does not really work without the other" to spread and to drive people to the path of freedom? Did they really need your recognition?
Outraged Greetings
PS: "Can you handle it to you in other areas of life synonymous so hard?" "GERMANY, GERMANY!" "Ah!"
Reply Kar.El.Gott:
Zizi you check, nothing. Example: Zizi make a film and can be pressed DVDs. Unfortunately, a misspelling is on the cover. So, the Zizi make everything new presses at its expense. The entire profit is gone. So rather learn the spelling of Zizi for the next film. It is clear that of you again so kommmt a stupid message! I have written in the last 7 days, 10,000 words without error .. (; Thesis) I think the last Uhreinwohner 1 word of thanks to German spelling programs and Internet can write correctly on a DVD .. in a forum like here, where every 2nd thread in a dispute of Apple vs.. PC or spelling ends need not be surprised if many more garnicht come in here .. Thanks to people like you and others. ! So be glad that the Mac you mend the mistakes and let others in peace and carry on what Relating to!
which is which an Uhreinwohner ???(; knows my spell checker does not synonymous)
Reply B.DeKid:
For a good film you do not need a diploma.
Synonymous, and not a good spelling ;-)
@ Shodushitanaka
All thumbs up exactly to the point, hats off ;-)
So it really is hacked increased lately to the spelling mistakes rum. What in my view is totally mis s.Platz.
If anyone would misspell basic terms, this would still of relevance ... However, in the form as it is happening here lately, you realize it is probably just the summer holidays.
........................ ........................
@ Vision filmproduktion
Very cool idea, and certainly of interest to the person or a (n) here.
Find good and I wish you much success.
MfG B. DeKid
PS: Let's you through the pros here do not frighten spell that will probably be all teachers currently have holiday and otherwise attempt to derive Video AG s.Ihrer school ;-)
Reply Bernd E.:
... Apparently, it bothers some, if they have to read spelling errors, but ye can imagine that it is just as disgusting to see how someone so unnecessary daherklugscheisst? ... Then you can check out the progress but look: Not so long ago was someone who could not write one sentence correctly in his mother tongue, not even considered high. Today, however, with lack of education can not only publicly flirting, but is still synonymous someone to a applauded. Is it toll ... I am speaking generally and not specifically related to the thread starter. His spelling errors are, indeed, harmless.
... which is which an Uhreinwohner? ... http://kamelopedia.mormo.org/index.php/Uhreinwohner
Reply Kar.El.Gott:
... which is which an Uhreinwohner? ... http://kamelopedia.mormo.org/index.php/Uhreinwohner
Ah, thank you!
Reply shodushitanaka:
Not so long ago was someone who could write a single sentence correctly in his native language, considered not high Yeah, burns the pack. The good old days, yes, yes ... -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- But who flirts here in the forum with his spelling errors?? A little far-fetched, right? (; Unless, of Verona or Gülcan drifting around here under assumed names and ask questions over the shooting.)
What's the use, others have understood what I meant ..
Reply joerg-emil:
... is already a bit sad really ... now postet mal someone who intends a larger film project and is looking for people to help him .... And then son Dünnschiss comes as a huge flood of response ... this post is now a real mess anyway ... synonymous prospect would now probably no more buck to answer here ...
Asker s.den My advice: Replace the title line with "... unfortunately littered" and put your request in a new post ....
... ring the bell and the führ weitherhin loss have zuregen about legal writing on here again for this line .... you still rages bite out of here ...
Reply Clemensch:
... ring the bell and the führ weitherhin loss have zuregen about legal writing on here again for this line .... you still rages bite out of here ...
whoever finds the spelling mistakes, can keep them!
Reply Yerri:
His spelling errors are, indeed, harmless.
The thing I find synonymous. As bad as it was not well and still on his first posting such a scolding. When I see that once the thread from the weekend PC / MAC and then read here:
I have written in the last 7 days, 10,000 words without error ..
I can not resist making a huge grin.
Reply PowerMac:
Expression and style is clearly not audit software. But do Zizi, with your lousy German did you do, thanks to the spell check no misspelled. We are all anxious to see what your professors of your sinnfrei farmers will keep German.
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