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| Strange residual in the background during dubbing
Question of Sheera: November 2006
Hello, I had me a hard disc recorder angschafft. The synonymous works really great. but unfortunately, I have a problem, what I myself would not get resolved. Also: The DVD recorder is connected s.TV and s.Videorecorder. exactly how it should be according to the description. I want me so synonymous my old videos to play on. If the recorder from the TV, everything is super. But as soon as he should play on video, I see in the background of left to right, a strange almost invisible but interfering beams run. Like a watermark. The movie has no copy protection! The funny is that just to see if I run a video (which no preference) if the video recorder is stopped, and I have the AV app s.DVD recorder on which the current is still VHS movie with the bar was shown by the Stop the movie then he (s.Videorecorder) TV set can see that there are no bars. Clear Picture. It is still, if a film in the VCR running. But why + how can I fix this? Fine tuning is at AV connector s.DVD recorder. Knows you as one of a council? I voted yes to the part of my movies on DVD to save, but I can help me with the disturbing indeed save!
Thank you for your tips!
Greeting Sheera
Reply Stefan:
It sounds like an interference on the video, which from the player's part. Remedy is for the layman (me too) difficult. Do you have a video-friendly dealer in the area?
If the VCR clean video plays on TV, can any other video wiring taste, depending on what your equipment can be rather
VHS VCR => DVD recorders => TV
a different combination such as
If the VCR videos on the TV alone is not playing, I would try another VCR (borrow?).
Good luck The thick Stefan
Reply Sheera:
No, this is probably something I verwirrendvon described. The VCR and DVD recorder, with which I am from the VHS VCR movies wishes, ALSO can both record from TV. Both the images are perfect. Both devices give your video or DVD from properly again. The problem exists only if I get into the VCR, play a movie, (which on its own AV-Prog. The TV flawlessly expires) then the DVD recorder to. On the AV-Prog of the TV, where you have just recorded the picture of the DVD recorder does appear then that Störbalken of left to right. But if I get the video to listen, I see in AV-Prog. the DVD recorder, where the film is yet to be seen, even the TV-picture, what happened to the VCR anhatte. And that is of the view from störbalkenfrei. And that surprised me so, if the only connection would s.der. The current film (or perhaps be a signal), this probably Störbalken cause. But that in no case can a copy be. The video retailer will cost a fortune. We had been through everything, when I've restored. At that time I had other devices together.
Greeting Sheera
Reply Gast 0815:
Look here: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macrovision Could it be that you have problems related?
Greetings from Marburg
Reply Gast - 2:
Hm, you say yes Your video has no copy protection. Could it be that it has one, but you did not know? There are dozens of different methods in order to protect videos, older, newer, etc. etc. etc.
Have you tried yet on the DVD recorder record - and then view the recording? I can imagine that the bar is a kind of display error (signal to noise etc), but only on TV shows. On the DVD, it is not vll.
I know that sounds nonsensical, but oh well, there's really holding soooo many curious phenomena, because I würd einfach mal nix exclude and accept everything. All times try. Technique can be very bitchy ...
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