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Untertitel Attribute Ulead

Subtitles attributes Ulead

Frage von mipsel:
November 2006

Hello, I'm new here and need urgent reply ... :-)
which means in a sub-exported txt file
FP: 0 or FP: 8 - I imagine there is a long list
s.Ende the file, all other attributes are true ...
Thanks for your feedback
mipsel :-)

Antwort von Georg:

You do have a UTF-File?

How you open this file then?
In the editor published titles per 3-line entry.

1. serial number
2. Start-End Time udn
3. Text

So you can simply synonymous UTF-File conversely create.

Antwort von mipsel:

thanks for the reply ...
I know - but s.Ende the file (eg if I open in word,
to Articles (eg, translations) to change what is possible - I save the UTS in Ulead as a txt file, open it in word, change Articles and import them back into Ulead, works perfectly) --
So s.Ende the file there is the information (after "subtitle text end
"subtitle text attribute begin" and then as "R: 1.1 / FN: Arial / CS: 238"
etc. that have a specific meaning. With Ulead, however, only 3 meanings explained, the country code (CS), writing (FN) and yet another, I now no longer ... but the importance of the attribute "FP" is not explained and the change in me s.and to in the description attribute s.Ende. And if I knew what that means, I could exclude a source of error, or even just to know if this a bug or is to be.
Normally in the description attribute s.Ende only one line with all the information, but for me there is sometimes a long list of claim with the UT-numbers and because changes every now and then just this "FP" (FP: 0, FP: 08 ) for the particular UT. And that's why I like to know what this "FP" means, ie what it stands for (I think not synonymous in the manual).
Is perhaps of himself, but I do not ...
würd ich aber gerne :-)
So, thank you for a confirmation and a beautiful day
Hopes mipsel

Antwort von Gast1:

Test times with this tool: http://www.urusoft.net/products.php?cat=sw&lang=1

The Subtitle Workshop (freeware) is currently the mE best tool for creating / editing of Subs. Ussynonymous It has a special setting for the translation of texts and dominated pretty much all Subtitleformate, the special ussynonymous Ulead txt format. I am doing since "100 years" without any problems with the subs with Subtitle Workshop and Ulead DVD Power Tools.
If you still want to know what your "phenomenon" means: There is somewhere a description of synonymous Subtitle Workshop, perhaps you'll find there an explanation. If you can not the developers of Urusoft write, they are very helpful.
If it fails, ask for subtitles in the Doom9 forum http://forum.gleitz.info/
Here you'll find all sorts of "subtitler" and certainly some who can explain it to you.

Antwort von Georg:

Synonymous So if I go to File in Word changes s.Inhalt nothing.

What is at Ulead with the statements? I'm always interested s.Infos (Book extension).

Aaaah ....
(* HandvordenKopfschlag *)

We are talking of different programs. I think Video Studio 10 - where are the articles as UTF-Dati stored. You're in Power Tools 2!
Yes, now I have it synonymous. mmmh ... Since I had already herausgetüftelt something by trial & error. Only where I have written? It depends with the controls of the Scriptures together, eg edge

Antwort von mipsel:

thanks for the good tips ...
really very helpful, I will look around times.
Have a nice day
Hopes mipsel

Antwort von Georg:

So, look here:

http://www.ulead-fanboard.de/thread.php?postid=43566 # post43566

There are not yet completed all the points.

Antwort von mipsel:

Hello Georg,
're a real pro - freud congestion anke
I think I will then, times change ...
somehow gives me my answer s.dich lost
(may be in the contributions they did not see), but
you have the link to get
for thou hast replied yes :-)
So, again Thank you
I'm glad that I know more than before
and that everything is not even so bad is ...
Incidentally, I usually with subtitles spot, you know that?
Greeting mipsel

Antwort von Georg:

Was once again something to fiddle around. Had but synonymous help.

So, until R is everything there.

A link? Unfortunately, nothing was discovered.

Antwort von mipsel:

Hello Georg,

that I had replied:
"Where is the in Ulead with the statements? Am always interested s.Infos (Book extension)."

"Editing and encoding"
sixth post
"How do I make the exported text files ..."

I had the answer, but do not find it again ...
but surely you know the
Greeting mipsel

Antwort von prem:

Thanks for the link

Antwort von Georg:

Unfortunately something stupid when you write a posting and only later realize that you were not logged.

Well, thank you came of me.

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