Hello Forum, we want a play mitfilmen. 2xSony PD150 and a Canon XM2. The XM2 is the shot of the back on (running alone with). The sound is digitally recorded. In tests, it emerged that the two Sony cameras with the Spotlight feature to make better pictures (it is very much with colored lights and a pursuer worked. When shots (XM2) are the tests in the normal mode has been added. The illustrations are from a few overexposed scenes ok (because a larger overall picture was filmed). 1 Question: Is it advisable synonymous the XM2 in the Spotlight feature to go and what happens then with the recordings, which contain no heavy spots? The Camera can be used during the recording not be 2. The entire play Koemm synonymous black recordings. Here I had the feeling that the XM2 will not Point sharpener. Should the camera to manual focus are (the picture will remain always in total)?
Thanks for tips Fred
Antwort von Markus:
"Fred2" wrote:
In tests, it emerged that the two Sony cameras with the Spotlight feature to make better pictures ...
If the camcorder because it was not manned? Or the cameramen have no idea of manual aperture scheme? The latter would be used in all the best camcorders.
"Fred2" wrote:
Should the [XM2] to make manual focus (the image is always in total)?
Yes, absolutely. The distance to the stage is still synonymous same all the time.
Antwort von MadEyedMoose:
Hi Markus, thanks for the reply. The two Sony are already occupied. The "camera people" but unfortunately not as fit in a manual aperture control. So I thought the whole play with the Spotlight feature (synonymous the XM2) to film. Has there disadvantages when scenes without bright spotlights are? The focus would then have manual for the Sony cameras in the black scenes and be regulated as described on the XM2 manual sharpness asked.
Antwort von Markus:
"Fred" wrote:
[spotlight-mode] Has there disadvantages when scenes without bright spotlights are?
I've never been in this mode, so I can answer questions only in theory.
In the Spotlight-oriented setting, the automatic exposure s.den brightest picture content and ensures that they are not (so strong) are overexposed. This means that regulates the automatic Aperture next to something, so not as much light on the true image converter.
Does this affect the automatic "stupid", then those images without hotspots underexposed, so dark up. Think the other hand, with automatic transmission and recognizes that there is no noticeable hotspots exist, then it might be that without the occasional recordings spotlight still succeed.
That I can not predict, but you could easily try it! And what speaks against it, the mode only when needed zuzuschalten, because the camcorder are manned anyway? A certain basic knowledge in the handling of a camcorder you have already provided, otherwise you could be the man behind the machine synonymous save. ;-)
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