| There is a tool for conversion of MOD to MPG
Question of Sektionschef:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif) September 2006
Hello I wrote the sdcopy.exe tool, which converts the MOD files to mpeg2 files (MPG). Refer to this link: http://zyvid.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach; topic = 280.0; id = 125 Actually I wrote it for my Panasonic SDR-S100, because JVC uses the same file format but it works synonymous with all Everios. It can: Search-a folder and all subfolders for MOD (or any other) files and copy them into a single target folder then rename the file using timestamp and Extension MPG (or other) -set the 16:9 flag in the new mpeg2 file correctly -and much more .... mfg Section Head
Reply prem:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
here you get my latest version of this tool V1.97beta http://zyvid.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach; topic = 280.0; id = 144
Reply prem:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Thank you very much!
Manos (the straight for a solution has its 10Gb. Searchs MOD videos ....)
Reply tina:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
I was terribly happy that there is a tool to convert a. I was hoping that this is not written in English. Unfortunately, it is so, and because my English-knowledge is nil, nothing I can do with it, unfortunately. Too bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This should be somewhere in German, please info.
thank you very much
Reply Sektionschef:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hello Leider gibts my program is actually only in the English Language. But since it is very easy to use, you should come synonymous to cope. mfg Section Head
Reply tina:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
I finally tried to convert the times. It is really great class and it is quite easy to synonymous if you do not understand English. echt super. next so'ne programs
ciao tina
Reply krassi:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Many thanks s.den section chief. for me it works great tool synonymous. And I have long searched for this. use the jvc gz mg24e. thank you, thank you, Dankeeeee mfg krassi
Reply Tersil:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
TPMGnc. QuarkXPress 4.0 is the solution! This allows MOD to encode files of JVC Everio hard drive cameras properly, so it with "popular" programs like Pinnacle Studio, for example, can be geauthored!
Reply metalmolisha:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
is oen referred to with the program / tool, the quality affected? otherwise it works great. thank you very much
Reply Mandi:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Thank Section Chief, that's great. Have now only the problem that I do not appear to be mpg files in Pinnacle Studio 9 after importing the preview window. It remains a P with a red button in the middle ... Werd me but asking through at Pinnacle. This is going to do little with this conversion to have, right? Other Thank you, super, I am very happy.
Reply Mandi:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Dear Head of Section, Unfortunately, my problem lies with your program s.der conversion sdcopy. The conversion worked, Pinnacle Studio 9, but I do not show the clips, too bad, looked so good.
I may try it with TPMGnc. 4.0 XPress, or is there something about this a freeware? Gruss Mandi
Reply Sektionschef:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
@ Mandi In general you should use for editing of mod or mpeg2 files only editing program that support smart-rendering mpeg2. Otherwise, the mpeg2 file is re-reencoded to mpeg2, which causes loss of quality. Pinnacle supports SR, unfortunately not. I can recommend Magix much, but synonymous Womble seems to be very good. Ulead + Videostudio10 unfortunately a bug in the smart-renderer and I can only advise them. The latest version V1.99beta of sdcopy is available here: http://zyvid.com/smf/index.php?action=dlattach; topic = 280.0; id = 153
@ metalmolisha No! sdcopy makes only a renaming of the FileExtension if the hook is set 16:9 to 16:9 in addition to flags in the mpeg headers set. The tool generates a loss of quality is not.
mfg Section Head
Reply Mandi:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
@ Section Head Thank you, how is it with TMPG 4.0Express is this supported or is the SR for the subsequent cutting with Pinnacle no longer important. You might realize, I'm still Beginners in these subjects. Take my "stupid" questions are not bad. Pinnacle support is not obvious, so we must live and learn. We need the conversion program for our school, so this may be followed with the installed Pinnacle cut. I have now downloaded TMPG 4.0Express as a test version. Looks great, I can choose any versions of the conversion. synonymous price is still acceptable. Gruss Mandi
Reply Sektionschef:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hi Mandi So the thing is this: Typically, you use Programs like Pinnacle Studio or Ulead Video Studio or Adobe Premiere to edit videos (insert cutting, transitions, background music, titles, show, etc.). Then one would then usually burn the edited video from a DVD. DVDs are (almost always) the mpeg2 format ie. After editing was completed, it must then be converted or the entire video in mpeg2 (encoded). In general, each encoding one mpeg2 quality loss caused by, I would therefore a mpeg2 file back to mpeg2 encode, then each additional Encodiervorgang (Reencode) would always cause a loss of quality. One should therefore perform format conversion to mpeg2 often as little as possible.
Almost all miniDVD or HDD camcorder recorded movie already in the draw to mpeg2 format. Also, the MOD files from JVC Everios are pure mpeg2 files. If I now those files with Pinnacle, etc. would like to edit, then s.end the existing mpeg2 material is again transformed into mpeg2 (reencoded). Editing program supports a smart-rendering, then it prevents the re-convert to mpeg2 if you already have the mpeg2 source material is present and this was not changed during editing. I do not know the Pinnacle SW, it seems that Pinnacle had the problem to import mpeg2 file at all. Have to include a picture of me, however, that newer versions (V10.irgendwas) it can now. But: Even if it is then possible to import mpeg2 files, after editing, will in any case, the entire video from scratch converted to mpeg2 (reencoded), because SR is not exactly supported. Therefore, I recommend using the Pinnacle SW no editing of mpeg2 files. TMPG4.0Express I do not know. If it is not possible for you, hochzurüsten the Pinnacle Studio V10, then you could try the following alternatives: -you download the Freeware Virtualdub-mpeg2 codec and the AC3 of here: http://fcchandler.home.comcast.net/stable/index.html -you download the free Panasonic DV codec of here: http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Panasonic_DV_Codec.htm -Install the codec and virtualdub start loading the mpeg2 file and save it as DV-avi (panasonic choose from compression codec from). The now generated avi file should be easily importable into Pinnacle. mfg Section Head
Reply Mandi2:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Dear Head of Section, thanks for your detailed information, I'm awfully glad for that help. The problem with the JVC HD camcorder, we have solved so far, as the camera that we were able to give back the money returned and we are now in peace again evaluate what camcorder we will buy. On this topic, I posted a new question: "What camcorder for the school?" I look forward to the discussion.
Gruss Beat
Reply Tersil:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
preferred section chief,
'm not synonymous then the benefit as you, I have tried your freeware tool synonymous times, but it is basically the same thing as if I dateieendungen of hand modify (mod> mpeg). it is true: if you want to load the converted files in such a pinnacle, gehts nicht. or have I overlooked a feature?
gruß tersil
Reply Blueboy:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
'd Better synonymous to learn a little German. Computerrisieren without knowledge of English is also almost impossible. But Can anyone learn if you want it, just by itself synonymous Compueterrisieren
Reply steveb:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
nana ... Oops greenhouse :-)
Reply walthermarco:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Pinnacle Studio 10.5 or higher and synonymous AL7.1 can smartrendern on the MC codec very well. Is clearly seen when playing off a whole sequence. Only where a filter was placed on a clip, it renders slowly, and new, otherwise it is with the x-times the speed and copied without loss of quality native mpeg2 material simply.
Reply Sektionschef:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
preferred section chief,
'm not synonymous then the benefit as you, I have tried your freeware tool synonymous times, but it is basically the same thing as if I dateieendungen of hand modify (mod> mpeg). it is true: if you want to load the converted files in such a pinnacle, gehts nicht. or have I overlooked a feature?
gruß tersil Hi So if the recordings were made in 4:3, then my tool synonymous does nothing else than the file-extension of MOD rename to MPG. If, however, were made the recording in 16:9 format, then the tool also sets the 16:9 flag is synonymous in the MPG-header make correct (most of the camcorder does not, unfortunately). mfg Section Head
Reply PAN:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hi Folks,
came across by chance in the search for a software for image stabilization on your thread - the stabilizer of the JVC is hardly worth the name!
I was long synonymous, the MOD / MPG Problem with the JVC GZ-MG60. I believe that the renaming to MPG only half the solution. Many of my video programs are particularly disturbing s.dem AC3 sound. After a long search, I have now found FFMPEG (Linux / Windows), with which I copy the video signal (without Neurendering), convert the sound into stereo MP2 and write back again to MPG. Since my Programs have no more problems.
The Linux version I could not install under debian directly over aptitude. A useful Windows version, I found a bonus in the tool ffmpeggui03c.zip
For me it does the following command line: ffmpeg-i input.mpg-vcodec copy-acodec mp2-p. 384-s.48000-s.2 output.mpg
Since the video will not be re-encoded, which is almost in Umwendeln copy speed.
Greeting Andreas
Reply franz:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
hello ... sdcopy I've tried, but unfortunately it breaks constantly with Error Messages from ... (SDR-S150) I'll make it easy to give all the mod. Files on the hard drive to load, but some are properly loaded ...? Thanks s.das forum! Schöne Grüsse, Franz
Reply Sektionschef:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hi What error messages appear? Can the entire contents of the SD Card manual using Windows Explorer to copy to your hard drive? mfg Section Head
Reply franz:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
hello ... First, I have a SanDisk 4GB SDHC memory card ... My edits at the moment: 1. Norton Commander - copy and rename 2. DVDPatcher (16:9) 3. Ulead 8's 4. DVD MovieFactory 5 Series Because of the error messages, I do not now know exactly they come in association with numbers, I could but soon a few Take pictures ... Thank you! Franz
Reply franz:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hello, I now have a few brief scenes rotated, what can I say - no problems. Now I have tried in various ways the error message reproduce, nothing to ... I've been playing around with the Norton, and suddenly the message came can not read the *. MOD file, I then tried next and then it worked on once again ... it is synonymous with sdcopy happened several times already, first canceled, then worked out after several repeat it ... seems to be a problem with the SD Card to be ... What do you mean? Gruss Franz
Reply Sektionschef:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hello Yes, it seems that the files can not always of the card to be read. You use a card reader or you have directly the SDR-S150 is connected via USB s.PC? If you use a card reader, then you could be times testhalber directly connected PC S150 s.den and read the card of there. If there are no problems, it could be s.Kartenleser. If the problem continues it could be s.der card itself. At least it seems to be no problem of my tool, as Norton shows the same problem. mfg Section Head
Reply Franz:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Hello, I have so far the files with the specially attached to the SDHC card reader to transfer of SanDisk, my own view is not the ... really seems to be a problem with the card reader to be ... Thanks for the replies. mfg Franz
Reply Wibbel:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Thank you very much!
With this prog, you saved my life. Works fine ... Greetz
Reply mega.perl:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Many, many thanks! Tolles Tool. Would I sell s.Panasonic times ;-)
Reply Grambola:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
After almost perpetual search ......... finally find it now. Upper monkeys st (rt g) of this tool. Funzt with my MOD files of the new JVC EVERIO GZ-MS 100 perfectly. Thanks Suuuuuuuper s.den Kreator. And the year is back once again saved .....
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