Hello, I have now been two clips with primers Pro done my best work is to be seen on Youtube.
but there still bothers me a lot, so a few questions really next to me would help.
How can I let music disappear? (If several short seconds s.ende are samples.) How can I make a scene play backwards? How do I edit a scene in the move without a clip will be devoured?
Reply Debonnaire:
I understand your question only partially, but trying times - according to my understanding - to answer:
Hide Music: Audio Transitions -> "crossfades" -> "constant strength" on the audio track to apply. Or simply, using keyframes, the volume of the soundtrack to the effect settings to - " infinite reduction.
Reverse play: Right-click on the clip -> "Speed / Duration" -> "speed reverse."
Move without the "swallow": Work, as it provides premiere, always on different video tracks, if you post clips in a row. Especially with crossfades you can not clip the video track on the same slide into each other, but the clip on the parent track or hide, so that a crossfade is. In this way you're always flexible and can move everything!
Was that what you wanted to know?
Reply robrick:
yes fantastic ganau that I wanted to know. Thank you