| Transition as possible to walk through paper walls?
Question of Räuber:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif) Juli 2009
Moin zusammen, the following question: I want to make a picture change one effect as if the viewer is running through a paper wall, then bursts open the Picture to the back "" and behind it is the next picture (; Specifically ride over a bridge, the following action takes place on the island). So far I use Magix de luxe 2008 plus (; so gehts almost certainly would not ...), but at a friend's access to Premiere Pro and AE CS4 for this project - only gehts so and if so how?
Thanks and greetings, Stefan
Reply Axel:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
A bursting, tearing a paper to the back wall would actually be received once the Brückenclip with warping darübergemappt, with (a few frames fade; opacity) of a paper structure. When should look something like the real thing, it must be synonymous involved a physical component, pure CGI (or, if there is a plugin) would look extremely cheap. Probably very complex. Since this is only a few frames, you could try it in Photoshop, which you said? Photoshop CS3 has been synonymous an animation timeline.
Reply Mylenium:![](http://images.slashcam.de/basic/google_trans_headline.gif)
Only gehts so and if so how?
Nope, not possible. With a bissl Nachdenekn but have the ressources. As Axel has already said, trying to obtain synthetically sowas is pretty stupid, to the physics of membranes stretched too strange, more so on paper, which are synonymous orientation and length of wood fibers, with crucial. Please bang dir'n frames, exciting paper on it, puncture it shoot, balls through it, tear it with Blitzkanllern. Anything usable is already trying to come out with a couple and if # s gegen'nene dark background is filmed, it can be quite reasonable in AE & Co reprocess and use it as a mat.
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