Moin, in my search for this problem I found while many fellow sufferers, but unfortunately no solution. XP does not even when "pling" ... Has anyone found a way to detect the XP VX1000E to move? A Samsung (here with the well-known chip defect that Samsung refuses to grace repair, few months after the warranty expired) and an older Sony140E the FX1 will be perfectly recognized. Are there any solutions? BG Andreas
Moin, I will not exclude, however, worked the camera s.einem other perfectly square cut before I got it. It was a short time before once again overtaken and durchgecheckt. My other cameras s.der card running perfectly and I've always synonymous drauf respected, before connection to the earth connection - Handle s.eine bare body of the radiator. Since I will once again part of the clamp arm and go. In principle, it does not bother so much - I've gladly stop if everything is working :-) Thank you Andreas
Antwort von Stefan:
VX1000E and XP SP 2nd .. yes there was often issue reports. After the total loss of my VX1000E thing I have not pursued next.
In principle, it does not bother so much - I've gladly stop if everything is working :-)
Kenn ich. Somehow the system is otherwise impure. But you do not need to Dauerausputzer of bug-by-Design (TM) are errors.