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| What is Image Stabilization? Optical or electronical?
Question of Hannibal76: Februar 2006
I have a question s.Euch experts. Since I will soon grow a new Cam (between 350 and 500 Euo) I would like to know what it is that is better.
An optical image stabilizer (such as Canon for example) or An electronic (as in Panaonic example)?
I have been with us in the media market and had a Panasonic in my hand and have seen on a monitor what I've filmed. The image stabilizer was something of genius, really hammermäßig. Now I've read on the Panasonic page, that the image stabilization is not optical and electronical (as I initially first) thought. Somebody once told me, namely, one should pay attention to the optical image stabilizer. I unfortunately could not test the Canon Comparison, since no was affiliated s.einen monitor.
Would be fine if someone could give me some advice because now what is really better, it may indeed be that the Canon image stabilization is still better.
Thank you.
Greetings Hannibal76
Reply ruessel:
In my experience, is an optical SteadyShot much better ... because it is more clearly distinguish between the real camera shake and subject movement. But if the camcorder an optical-price category to 500 Euronen ever sold?
gruss vom Ruessel
Reply Hannibal76:
Yes at Canon already!
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