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| Why the Price increase for the SD-707 in so much?
Question of brianwilson: Februar 2011
Since January 2011 I am looking for a new camcorder and waiting since then to s.March coming new models.
Meanwhile, the Prices for the SD-707 to rise almost every week.
The Prices are supposed to have once stood at ¬ 700th Now they are at ¬ 900
Can anyone give hope that the SD-707 s.March synonymous again is to have cheaper?
Or do I wait until fall, until the Prices for the SD-909 in the ¬ 700 - area covered?
For He-and Brightening I would be extremely grateful!
Reply Frank B.:
It is frequently observed (not always) that previous models sometime Nachvolger outperform their price. Very beautiful was the observed synonymous s.den almost identical models Cannon HV 20, HV 30 and HV 40th If the equipment is taken out of production and replaced, but it is essential to its predecessor, so it can be expensive. I think this has to do with supply and demand. The offering will stop gradually. My experience is now accessible as possible, even if the device is s.Markt rig for a while, possibly competition of other vendors are available and can still be seen s.Horizont no successor is or is not directly in front of On the market since.
Reply EThie:
In principle, it is quite simple: there are fewer and fewer dealers who have this model. The cheapest deals disappear first, leaving only dealers with higher prices.
Greetings E. Thiel.
Reply doclike:
You purchase the 750 with the 3D attachment and verscherbel Ebay. Because you'd better go with.
Reply brianwilson:
Hmm, that looks so not look as if the Prices for the SD-707 go down again. How do you estimate the probability that at Media Markt / Saturn again appears as a palette Closeouts. Probably low, how? Well, Panasonic is synonymous not so stupid to really hurt ...
@ Doclike: Thanks for the tip! 've Been synonymous for over this possibility, I am not so sure whether I ever get rid of intent on Ebay ...
Let's see how it will happen with this colleagues of the same idea: http://cgi.ebay.de/Panasonic-3D-Vorsatzlinse-VW-CLT1-/170601998535?pt=DE_Elektronik_Computer_Foto_Camcorder_Foto_Camcorderzubeh% C3% B6r_PM & hash = item27b8abe8c7
Reply doclike:
Last week was an off for 120 ¬. Better than nothing ... or you wait until the new more available and the demand may increase (if people fall for all the horrible qualities of Panasonic's 3D, P)
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