When the slider of Video on map sets is only the flash gebrauchen.Nach 1-3 photos on the map depends then the Cam auf.Schaltet from and goes only in playback mode ein.Aufnahmen video is no longer möglig. Even after switching back to Kassetmodus remains from the Cam. On Ext.Cont I could get my video done. When everything was changing tapes wieder.Das was s.Sonntag until noon today, everything was ok.Nun I have again made Still Image on the map because I need the Flash EX580 exactly the same. I have extra with the Cam Formatiert.256MB SD cards. My dealer knows no advice and asked me tomorrow Calumet HH to come there for 2 days CANON Vorführungen.Ich hope VIDEO synonymous not only Still Image Wolfgang
Antwort von Supe:
Can I use my cam not achvollziehen. Surely a mistake in your Cam.
Antwort von Der Die Das:
I know the problem, but only if the switch s.Aufnahmeknopf (the s.Kassettenfach) Lock is on.
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