today (just a quick question; s.besten s.einen XM2 users): Can the XM2 anamorphic 16:9?
gruß, Tim
Antwort von tatita:
With an Anamorphic it all;)
By nature, however, they cut the picture above and below from simple. So even if 16:9 then s.Computer myself because then you make the shot can still decide.
Antwort von campool:
dankeschön. this helps me have next.
lg tim
Antwort von tatita:
No problem. I have one for my XM2 Optex Anamorphic Company. Unfortunately, he can durchzoomen not quite, but you have to see some more shots from the 16:9 Wide Angleund to lengths better. Only in this way as a tip.
Antwort von Meggs:
Again and again, false. The XM2 is anamorphic 16:9. The result is significantly better than ne 4:3 recording, which is subsequently curtailed. Through the subsequent crop, although one is obviously more flexible as regards the picture, but definitely a worse picture.
Antwort von tatita:
So with my XM2 I have yet to uncover not anamorphic 16:9;)
How did you know that they can?
Antwort von Manuell:
@ Meggs do not you think maybe the XL2? The XM2 has 4-3 chips.
Antwort von Meggs:
If you put in the Camera menu to 16:9, they record anamorphic.
Antwort von Meggs:
"Manual" wrote:
do not you think maybe the XL2? The XM2 has 4-3 chips.
Yes, clearly. It has 4-3 chips. The picture is not synonymous wide-angle. Nevertheless, she records anamorph. The missing pixels on the chip will get them probably by pixel shift. As always synonymous, I tried habs. The 16:9 anamorphic picture is more detailed and better than a simple cropping a 4:3 image.
Antwort von tatita:
How exactly do you mean?
As far as I know will be read out in the 16:9 mode, the XM2 just the middle part of the chip which is indeed "true" 16:9 but receives a significantly poorer quality. So, in principle, exactly what you can do synonymous in the post.
Antwort von Meggs:
"tatita" wrote:
How exactly do you mean?
As far as I know will be read out in the 16:9 mode, the XM2 just the middle part of the chip which is indeed "true" 16:9 but receives a significantly poorer quality. So, in principle, exactly what you can do synonymous in the post.
That's theory - the importance of practice, the actual outcome. And this is in anamorphic 16:9 mode better than by the subsequent crop.
Theoretically, one can explain this as I have written above by pixel shift. If you are doing with the XM2 one Stillimage, which has 1.7 megapixels and is synonymous much better and more detailed than an afterthought upscaled video frame. Although synonymous here only a 0.5-megapixel CCD's are used.
You could say synonymous: The anamorphic 16:9 recording, the signal across the processing chain s.Anfang saved as much as possible, with the crop in the post until the very end.
Nevertheless, you have an anamorphic course with a better outcome, since the whole chip area is used.
Antwort von campool:
but does not seem quite so simple to be asked;)
Antwort von beiti:
"campool" wrote:
but does not seem quite so simple to be asked;)
It can be synonymous summarize: If you need high quality with 16:9 and not want to handle an anamorphic, the XM2 the wrong camera.