there are other templates as action of Essentails VideoCoPilot?
I think because of the bullet, because the blood is then still blows through the air. I'm not in action Essentails found & so ask I know if there are others like this. the video of freddiw & is he once said he used Essentails action.
Antwort von Tuffy:
Essentials 2 in action include 35 blood elements are ...?
Antwort von Jonny Stalker:
yes but such was not found there as I have described above. so I thought it perhaps others were present there.
Antwort von jwd96:
What have you got a problem with Action Essentlials 2? Billeger you get it not, and since everything is in there, you could wish for compositing heart.
I counted to myself, 35 types of blood spatters are about a dozen Muzzle-flashes, bullet holes ...
Antwort von Mylenium:
"Jonny Stalker" wrote:
but such was not found there
On DVD 5 in the folder "Use your creativity ... But clearly, this DVD has all non ...
Antwort von Jonny Stalker:
perhaps you are nice here.
Antwort von Tuffy:
Seldom, take a clip on its own, often combined effects make it more exciting to the whole (eg, blood, plus a dust cloud - or two different blood-clips in parallel).
We know so little of what made good YouTuber has since like you, you either ask him to try on or around the next clip. Maybe he used synonymous Action Movie Essentials, the predecessor to what action Essentials 2 is, however, is no longer available.
Antwort von Mylenium:
It keeps you None, really depend on a variety of water-and splashes of color that you now else we find to remodel to pimp and ... And can shoot yourself what you have always synonymous. Do not know why you as biting on something. One is bissl work itself but the whole fun of the thing, right? Needs but not for every fart a preset, or any Proejkt perfectly suitable Footageschnipselchen give. I really think that you are looking all too quickly and all too often after the "Do it nicely" button ...
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