Hello, I'm looking for a program with which I lossless ts files to edit can convert ...
Antwort von Gast 0815:
What do you want because it really, DVB recordings cut? Normally first demux eg with Dgindex (http://neuron2.net/dgmpgdec/dgmpgdec.html), Project X (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=115063&package_id=124556). The resulting files are then cut (eg in video editing programs, freeware would be as MP2schnitt (http://www.mdienert.de/mpeg2schnitt/) and then gemultiplexed around with mplex.
next alternative: http://forum.gleitz.info/showthread.php?s=e4f9d17b05a3d7259bb17a0226811665&t=27727